Amber’s 6 hour labour FTM
First-time-mum Amber gave birth to her baby after after just a 6 hour labour. She describes her birth as an “amazing experience”. Love reading positive birth stories? You’re in the right place…
I had our little boy on Tuesday 13th sept (at 41+5) and thanks to your Bump to Baby Chapter Course it was an amazing experience. It helped me to feel in control and gave me all the knowledge I needed to know to bring our baby boy into the world. I wrote a birth plan, unfortunately due to a quick labour I wasn’t able to follow it. Your course had prepared me to allow for changes and remain calm.
I feel so proud and share my birth story with such happiness.
It was 10pm on Monday evening that I went into labour. I was due to go in for induction the next day and had previously declined a sweep. It started with a dull period ache in my lower back and tummy and after 30 mins I started to feel surges which I kept track of. I phoned the hospital and I said I’d like to stay home as long as possible using breathing techniques, water and tens machine. The midwife agreed and told me to phone back once things started speeding up.
I had my candle lit bath and my husband with me counting my breathing and saying my affirmations. I was in and out of the bath for about 30 mins. Then I got out and started with the tens which was amazing. I couldn’t sit down, so walked around the house. My contractions were coming quick and strong by this time. My husband phoned the hospital for me as by this point I couldn’t talk during contractions. We got to the hospital at 2 am where I was examined and told I was 6cm dilated.
I couldn’t believe it as I was sure I would be sent back home!”
They then took me to the delivery room and gave me gas and air. I told them my body was pushing and the midwife told me to go with it. Now I followed my body. I was UFO (upright, forward and open) on my knees leaning over the back of the bed and down breathing. They asked if they could put a clip on babies head to monitor heart rate as he had pooed in his waters. I decided this was best for baby at the time. By this time I was really focusing on getting baby through the birth canal and was asked to move onto my back as baby needed to be born quickly. A couple of big pushes/ down breathing and he was born at 4.03am weighing 8lb 6oz.
A total of 6 hours labour. Absolutely so proud of myself, but could not have done it without all the knowledge I learnt from this course. Thank you so much Beth for giving me all the tools I needed to have a positive birth experience and I feel so proud and share my birth story with such positivity.
Read another first baby birth story, Emma’s First Baby Birth Story.