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Alexandra’s Positive Induction Story

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This positive induction story is with Alexandra and her first baby. Alexandra had an induction at 39 weeks due to high blood pressure. Alexandra says of her birth and her decision to have an induction “We stayed as a new family of three in the delivery room with all the lights dimmed until 4am which was magical. I have no regrets about being induced and I feel nothing but positivity about my birth story. I would do it again in a heart beat.

Induction for High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy

Throughout my pregnancy, I really wanted a water birth after hearing of a friend’s amazing birth story. I knew this was unlikely. My hospital’s maternity unit only has one birthing pool.  I still prepared nonetheless on the chance it would be free. 
Unfortunately, at 33 weeks my blood pressure started to slowly creep up. After a few triage visits, by 38 weeks I was diagnosed with gestational hypertension. The consultant explained the risks and benefits of induction at 39 weeks.  With this in mind, we made a decision that induction was best for our baby and myself.  

Going in for my induction

When I arrived at the delivery suite for my induction with my husband, I was contraction free, freshly showered, all packed. I actually felt a bit sad. For months, I had always imagined myself going into spontaneous labour at home and walking along the corridors in the hospital, pausing mid contraction and full of nerves and excitement to meet our boy. 

I knew I’d have to wait on the ward for up to 2 days before that special moment would arrive for me. I also knew that there was a chance induction might not even be successful for me. But, I had to stay focussed and not allow these thoughts to impact my attitude and mind set towards my baby’s birth. Positive thoughts were my goal. 

Early Stages of my induction

I was examined that evening and the midwife said I was 1cm and that the gel would make things more favourable and easier to break my waters. The gel was applied that evening at 6pm. Period type pains and discomfort kicked in which progressed to contractions by the early hours of the morning. TENS machine went on around 1am. This was an absolute god send and a real help with those early labour pains. The boost button was amazing!!

By 3pm, I was 2cm dilated and ready to have my waters broken. I was transferred to the delivery suite and my husband was invited in. I was so happy to learn that the midwife who would be delivering my baby was my community midwife who had transferred to delivery. It was nice to see a friendly and familiar face. This definitely helped my oxytocin levels. She really involved my husband in the birth too. She had him doing lots of jobs which he loved as it kept him busy. He was rather nervous I think! 

At this point, I was a little worried as I felt like the pain had dulled a little. However, after an examination, the midwife explained that I was 3cm dilated and nearly fully effaced. My waters were then broken. I was using only the TENS machine at this point. The midwife was so surprised that I was talking through the contractions; I could barley feel them and monitor showed them to be regular and strong. 

Active labour

When my waters were broken, it was decided I didn’t need the oxytocin drip because the contractions were already regular and strong. However, the contractions ramped up to such a point I asked for the epidural. I was using my breathing techniques but I felt like they were taking my breath away. The epidural kicked in and the relief was amazing – but sadly short lived!! Unfortunately, something went wrong with the epidural and it stopped working. My husband was pressing the top up button but I could feel it wearing off. The contraction pain was coming back.

By the pushing stage it had worn off almost completely (the anaesthetist met with me post delivery to discuss what had actually gone wrong!)  this meant I could feel the contraction pain but it also allowed me to push in a controlled way, coached by the midwives. During the transition stage, I actually asked for a c section. I was exhausted from the lack of sleep the night before and my legs were seriously aching from being on the bed for continuous monitoring all day. I was given a firm no by the midwife. 

The Birth

With the support from the amazing midwives and my amazing husband, our baby boy Harry was born at 10:49pm. The pain vanished instantly and he was placed straight on my chest – we had one gorgeous hour of skin to skin, followed by skin to skin with my husband. I have no regrets about being induced.

I feel nothing but positivity about my birth story and would do it again in a heart beat. 

After skin to skin, the midwife brought us the most amazing tea and toast. We stayed as a new family of three in the delivery room with all the lights dimmed until 4am which was magical.

Tips for first time mums who are being induced

❤️ Keep a positive mindset – induction does not always mean a negative experience of lots of intervention. The only intervention I had in the end was the gel and my waters being broken. Everything else progressed naturally. 

❤️ Consider a TENS machine if you haven’t already. It really got me through my night on the induction ward. I hired mine online for £20. 

❤️ Please don’t be worried about epidurals failing if you plan to get one – my case was rare and the anaesthetist said that the midwives should have sent for him. Again, I’m actually glad they didn’t. The epidural gave me relief when I needed it and I have no regrets about it wearing off. 

❤️ Thanks to this fantastic online birth course which has taught me so much, I was able to have such a positive birth experience. I am forever grateful, and I will be recommending to all expecting mummies I meet. 


Want to feel confident, calm and prepared for all types of births? Check out The Bump to Baby Chapter’s Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Online Course. Created by midwife Beth, covering how to stack the odds in your favour to get the birth that you want, and also how to feel calm and prepared for every birth journey! Videos, checklists, audios & a support group mto get you feeling excited, prepared and confident for birth. Knowledge is Power!!


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