Anna’s Empowering Birth; a total birthing rethink after our course
Love reading positive birth stories? You’re in the right place! Anna says she previously felt she was a “wuss” but her birth made her feel like a “total warrior”. Anna talks about how she ignored the negative comments around birth, remained focussed and calm, and had the most empowering birth.
I’ve always been told I’m a massive wuss. I’m not brilliant with pain and I’m a bit of a fainter… I feel like a total warrior!
I’m incredibly lucky and had a really low risk, straight forward labour. I originally booked at our local big hospital but the thought of big hospitals filled me with dread so I switched to my local birth centre with a small team of midwives.
I told a few people I’d switched and was met with so much negativity.
“FTM’s (first time mums) don’t go there”
“No point having a birth plan it all goes out the window”
Or my favourite
“Haha, you should be so lucky!”
So, in the end I didn’t tell anyone where I was birthing. At 36 weeks I measured 32 weeks and was sent for a growth scan. I had quite a small bump which had it’s own set of comments too!! Everything was fine so I was allowed to carry on being under the birthing centre.
At 39 weeks they picked up that I tested for MRSA 14 years ago. I needed 5 days of treatment and 3 days of swabs to come back negative back before I could birth at birthing centre. This took me to my due date eeeek (thanks goodness she wasn’t early!). I had 3 sweeps booked which I was really nervous about (there was absolutely nothing to fear). I was automatically booked for an indication on 41 + 5 which I wasn’t very happy about but I followed their lead. Each of my sweeps showed I had progressed in stretchiness and softness. I had a bit of a cry at my 2nd sweep as she was talking about induction and I panicked.
Massive thanks to Beth for talking to me via insta and reframing my thoughts about induction!
On Thursday 23rd I went for my 3rd sweep with my dear friend and midwife and probably deserves most of the credit for getting things really moving! I walked round Tesco and walked the dogs. I kept having to stop so I knew something was starting! At lunchtime I phoned my other half. Mid-afternoon I asked if he could come home.
I used my breathing and comb to help calm me, took some paracetamol and bounced on my ball. I cleaned the house as I was getting more uncomfortable sitting down and managed to eat dinner, calling the unit at 7.30. They said to hang on a bit longer. I had a bath; it was super awkward and uncomfortable. At 9:30 I rang them again and had a little cry so I went in.
I was examined and was 4cm. I thought I should have at least been 8 with all the pain! I’d been really aware that baby one may take some time, I carried on breathing until the pool was ready.
Getting in the pool was absolutely magical, so much relief!”
I was 100% in labour-land; candles on, total silence and my other half held my hand and ate wine gums!
The contractions started to ramp up and I asked if I could have some gas, which was fabulous. I’m not a fan of being dizzy so I shut my eyes and went with it. I thought I might need some stronger pain relief but I didn’t! My body just took over and started pushing! I got in a bit of a pickle with my breathing for a few contractions as I was blowing out into the gas and instead of down but the midwife explained and I changed. She was here within 20 mins of pushing!
What an empowering birth; it was the most overwhelming incredible and empowering experience of my life.
She had the cord tangled around her neck a few times and was a bit floppy so the midwifes cut the cord and did their magic. Before you know it she was kicking and screaming. She was given back to us to find out the sex. I was so confused that she was a girl. I had to ask the midwife and my other half what she was! My whole pregnancy I was convinced she was a boy!
I had the I injection to remove my placenta as they recommended it. I think they said we know it’s not in your plan but they needed to do it for a reason so it was fine!
I’m totally in love with her, it was just amazing and our bodies are so incredible.”
I’m so grateful to the lovely team at our centre. It was a dream!
From start to finish it was about 3 hours!
Thanks so so much for your hypnobirthing course Beth.
Read more empowering positive birth stories.

Click the link for more information about The Bump to Baby Chapter’s Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Online Course. Know what you can do to stack the odds in your favour for the birth that you want. Videos, checklists, audios & a support group all created by a midwife to get you feeling excited, prepared and confident for an empowering birth.