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Are baby hiccups during pregnancy normal?

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We get so many messages asking us if baby hiccups during pregnancy are normal… So, are they?

Are baby hiccups during pregnancy normal?

Yes, hiccupping is a really normal thing that baby’s do in the womb. It is a common thing that most pregnant women experience. Baby’s hiccup for a couple of reasons. They practice breathing and as baby inhales, amniotic fluid enters their lungs and this makes their diaphragm contract. They also swallow their amniotic fluid too. Baby’s can get hiccups from this the same way as we do when we swallow water sometimes.

Should I be concerned about baby hiccups in pregnancy?

Baby hiccups during pregnancy are normal. They are part of baby’s development and feeling these jerky movements is something most pregnant women will experience.

One thing to note with hiccupping is that hiccupping shouldn’t be counted towards your baby’s movements. If you are worried about movements and you feel baby hiccupping, this alone shouldn’t be something to reassure you. So, if you have any concerns about your baby’s pattern of movement, always contact your local triage. The number will be on the front of your hospital notes. If though, baby’s movements are their usual pattern and your baby is hiccupping, this is ok.

Why do babies hiccup in the womb?

Hiccupping is a skill they practice in the womb so they are ready for the world along with sneezing, coughing and sucking. Hiccupping is part of a fetus’ development and feeling these sweet little movements shows that your little super star is already acing their milestones.

From 10 weeks baby’s begin to inhale and exhale amniotic fluid. Whilst you won’t be able to feel the hiccups this early, when you do start to feel them it is them practicing this skill.

Baby hiccups also show that the nerve that controls the diaphragm has developed. This is part of the brain and spinal cord development so is another great indication of your baby’s wonderful growth and development.


The NHS Website says baby hiccups are generally felt from around 25 weeks pregnant. To read more about baby hiccups and other things baby is learning to do, check out our week by week pregnancy series starting with What to Expect at 28 weeks pregnant.

Please note: The Bump to Baby Chapter and the information on our website are not intended to replace medical advice. If you have any concerns you should always contact your midwife or GP, or an emergency service if you feel the situation requires. 

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