
Blog Posts

Jade’s Unplanned Cesarean Section

Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place…. This positive birth story is with Jade and how she welcomed her baby, Lyla, via an unplanned cesarean section.  This

Becca’s Positive Birth Story

Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place…. This positive birth story is with Becca. Becca used EBRAN to make informed choices and have a positive experience welcoming her b

Vic’s Story

#MeetTheTeam This is Vic…. she is the newest member of TBTBC squad and has been doing lots of behind the scenes bits and bobs. Here is her story ❤️ I thought it was about time I remo

Sarah’s Planned Caesarean for Frank Breech Baby

Sarah hoped to have a waterbirth. However, her baby was breech and ECV was unsuccessful, so she opted for a planned cesarean.

Hannah’s Positive Waterbirth

This positive birth story is with Hannah's first baby. Baby Ada arrived at 39 weeks and 2 days following a waterbirth on a Maternity Led Birth Unit.

What are the pros and cons of an epidural?

What is an epidural? And how is it administered? Here we explore the pros and cons of an epidural. What is an epidural? Epidural anaesthesia is a local anaesthetic that’s injected between two ve

Belle’s Positive Homebirth Story

Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place – especially if you are feeling anxiety about giving birth. This positive birth story is with second time mum Belle and her homebirth

Positive Cesarean: Jen and Raeya

This positive birth story is with Jen's first baby. Jen went into labour and upon arriving at the hospital they discovered her baby was breech, leading Jen using EBRAN to chose an unplanned cesarean s

Hypnobirthing and (an unplanned) Caesarean; Claire’s Birth

Claire planned to have an unmedicated water birth. Birth doesn’t always go to plan, as we all know. Claire unknowingly used EBRAN to make an informed choice that a caesarean was the best choic

Kayla-Jayne’s Positive Birth

POSITIVE BIRTH STORY  ✨FTM✨Quick labour✨episiotomy✨tens machine✨Gas and Air So firstly I’d like to introduce our little boy Theodore Hunter James Marsh…. arrived on his due da

Can I birth on a midwife led unit with raised BMI?

BMI – Place of birth & Induction of labour NICE recommendations say that women with a booking BMI greater than 35 have planned labour and birth in an obstetric unit/ consultant led un

Katherine’s Positive Birth

Positive Birth Story at 38wks +3 First Time Mum, Homebirth, Forceps Tues 22nd Dec I had some tightening feelings in my tummy, along with some constipation and backache. I didn’t
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