
Blog Posts

Sophie’s unplanned cesarean birth

Sophie hoped to have a water birth, but following a long induction process opted for a cesarean section and was still able to have a calm experience whilst welcoming her baby into the world.

Naomi’s positive induction

Love reading positive birth stories? You’re in the right place! This positive birth story is from Naomi. Naomi planned a homebirth, but upon hitting 42 weeks gestation she accepted a balloon induct

Joycelyn’s Positive Birth Story – a quick hospital VBAC

This positive birth story details Joycelyn's positive VBAC experience.

Positive Induction- Jades Story

My positive birth story ? I went into the hospital with reduced movements at 39+3 on 5th Jan 11:30pm & the consultant advised it was safer for baby to be here sooner rather than later so they

How your Valentines Day “date night” will help you prepare for labour.

I will set a scene for you…. A walk across the countryside holding hands admiring the wonderful views, followed by your favourite curry, maybe some candle light, your favourite songs playing in th

Stacey’s Preterm Birth Story

Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place…. This positive birth story is a preterm birth story with first-time-mum Stacey. Stacey went into labour at 36 weeks and 2 days. Sh

Third-time mum: Charlotte’s Positive Birth Story:

Charlotte;'s birth story describes how she delivered her 3rd baby who was 9lbs6oz! Following a previous traumatic birth, Charlotte was determined to make her third and final baby a positive birth she

Positive birth story: Shanai’s induction

Felicity Ivy Ashworth born 11.01.21 at 8.04am at 36+5 weeks. Went for a routine 36 week appointment and mentioned I was getting headaches to the midwife. When testing my urine there was prote

Birth Story Gestational Diabetes

This positive birth story with gestational diabetes, was written by Beth, midwife & founder of The Bump to Baby Chapter.

Fran’s Positive Cesarean Birth

Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place…. This positive birth story by Fran was a high risk pregnancy due to gestational hypertension, 3 episodes of reduced movemen

Positive Birth Story – Big Baby

Positive birth stories big baby.... This birth story is Jessica's 3rd baby, a big baby. She used breathing techniques, hypnobirthing and had a waterbirth.

Natalie’s Positive Induction Birth Story

This positive induction birth story is with Natalie's first baby. She used breathing techniques, hypnobirthing & encouragement from her husband.
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