
Blog Posts

Emily’s Positive Birth

Imogen Theia (Immy) ~22/10/2020 at 10.26am ~8lb 12~40.3 weeks ~First time parents ~Waterbirth at MLU using a tens machine and breathing techniques ~Positive transf

Karen’s Positive Birth

⭐Positive birth story⭐ Our little girl was born 6.50am 6th November 7lb 6oz. Thanks to this course I was really relaxed about giving birth, I felt that she had to come out and ther

Emma’s Positive Birth

POSITIVE BIRTH STORY ?Induction for high BP. ? Predicted large baby. ? Epidural I went in to be induced on Friday 9th October at 39 weeks exactly due to high blood pressure. Had the pessary and

Georgie’s Positive VBAC

This positive birth VBAC story is with Georgie's second baby. She used breathing techniques, hypnobirthing and had a positive water birth

Sian’s Birth Story

Positive birth story. Sorry for the length! Baby Nia arrived safely on 6th September (the day before her due date). I was lucky and got the birth I wanted and I honestly think it was down to this

Mellissa’s Birth Story

I just wanted to send you a message to thank you for this brilliant course and to share my experience. Like many ladies, my birth story was completely different to the preferences I’d had in mind.

Claras Birth Story – Homebirth

♥️Positive Birthing Story (FTM, home birth) ♥️ In prep for labour I’d been eating dates each day, taking raspberry tea pills and walking/bouncing like a mad women. Three days ov

Emily’s Birth Story- Previous Traumatic Birth

I just wanted to send you an email to thank you for completely changing my perspective on labour and birth, and for not only helping me have a positive experience with my second son but for helping t

Maria’s Positive Birth

? FTM 40+1 ? Hormone Drip? Positive birth experience ? Can’t believe I’m writing my story!Although things didn’t go all to plan I can certainly draw out positive experience from my labour a

Steff’s Positive Birth Story

Positive Imduction ? 3rd time mama ? I went to the hospital on Sunday for my induction due to baby size. Had pessary in at 10am. Where I am, you have to stay in so off I went to the ward. Nothing

Amy’s Positive Birth

⭐️Positive birth story from a FTM – it’s a slightly long one! ⭐️  It’s taken me a little while to get round to writing this, but I’d like to introduce Isla Paige McDonagh,

Angharad’s Birth Story

I’m so unbelievably happy to announce that my beautiful daughter Freya Joy was born on 06.12.2020 (due 10.12.2020) after a successful sweep at 39+1. Weighing 7lb 13oz and born calmly and quietly in
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