
Blog Posts

Birth story – Jo & baby Tomos

??Positive Birth Story??(sorry – it seems really long!) Hi everyone, please welcome Tomos Macsen Fall to the world ? He arrived last Saturday 12.09.20 at 3.28pm – a healthy 8lb 2.5oz a

Lyndsey’s Birth Story – Homebirth, thin mec

When I found out I was pregnant for the second time around I instantly thought about birth, and how I could avoid the same kind of birth experience (I won’t delve into it but it was traumatic a

Abi’s Birth Story

My husband and I started The Bump to Baby Chapter online course when I reached the third trimester. The course was fantastic and really helped us to feel knowledgable and informed about labour and b

Positive Cesarean Birth – Emma’s Story

Emma Litchfield Birth Story – Unplanned ‘elective C – Section’ -Hector Andrew Litchfield   I just want to start this Birth Story by letting you know that you can have a positi

Kimberley’s Positive Birth Story

I would like you all to meet my little Oliver, who arrived 6 days late, today at 11.41am! He is 8lbs 6oz and 53cm long! I definitely did not have the labour I thought I would- quite the opposite

Baby’s Movements; what should I do if I have reduced movement?

Feeling your baby move is a sign they are well. When a baby is moving less it, it may indicate something is wrong and they are unwell. Always call your local triage (number on the front of your mate

What is Hypnobirthing? Facts or Fantasy.

What is hypnobirthing? Midwife Beth explains what actually is hypnobirthing, pulling out the facts from the fantasy.

Katrina’s Birth Story- Cesarean during the Coronavirus

I had my daughter Eliza Ivy on 9th April 2020 – I elected for a caesarean following my previous induction and emergency caesarean under general anaesthetic with my now 26 month old daughter CiC

Unplanned Homebirth Story: Liz

Second time mum Liz had a speedy spontaneous labour that resulted in an unplanned homebirth! Her baby boy made his way safely into the world in the living room at home with the help of a paramedic w

Jessica’s Birth Story

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Anne’s Birth Story

In the evening of Monday 13th January, 6 days before my due date, I felt a few twinges along with mild cramps and instantly felt a mixture of excitement and nerves that this could be the start. Every

What happens if I have the Coronavirus when I go into labour?

The advice is that if you suspect that you have the Coronavirus and are pregnant, that you self isolate for 7days. But what happens if you go into labour during this time. This information below i
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