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  • Helena’s Positive Water Birth

    Second-time-mum Helena shares her empowering birth story. Helena had a very positive water birth. Love reading positive birth stories? We’ve got lots more just for you! I bought the Bump to Baby

    Should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter or…?

    Should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter or … ? Why choose The Bump to Baby Chapter over other antenatal classes and hypnobirthing? Knowing that a baby poops black you can get at any old antenatal c

    Why ‘Fight or Flight’ is never helpful for birth

    The fight or flight response and how it affects birth is an important thing to know as part of your birth prep. Watch this video with me, Beth Midwife and Mother of 4, to find out exactly why our ove

    Antenatal Classes Worcester

    Are you looking for antenatal classes in Worcester? Look no further – The Bump to Baby Chapter’s award-winning midwife-led classes will tell you everything you need to know about birthing

    Holly’s First Baby: Quick Birth

    First-time-mum Holly had a bit of a panic in early labour but went on to have a wonderful birth after just 7 minutes of pushing. Baby Zoey was Holly’s first baby and she had a quick birth. Love

    Why your Grandma didn’t do hypnobirthing (and why you should!)

    Who has questions about your choices on why do hypnobirthing? I bet it was Grandma… 🤐  These comments may be all too familiar for you…. “We didn’t have any of that hypno-no
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