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    Positive Induction Stories

    Positive Induction Stories. Have a positive induction birth. Read about Positive Induction Stories here.

  • Advanced Maternal Age; Zoe’s Birth Story

    Zoe was 42 when she had her second baby, and this is classified by the NHS as “advanced maternal age” . Zoe was recommended an induction due to advanced maternal age and Group B Strep. She

    2 weeks over due. Should I have an induction?

    Hey Beth, I am coming up to 2 weeks over due. Should I have an induction?  (more…)

    Using EBRAN to choose induction: Jemma’s Birth Story

    Love reading positive birth stories? You’re in the right place…. This positive birth story is with Jemma and the arrival of her baby girl. Jemma had some issues in pregnancy that led her to choose

    Elisabete’s Positive Induction

    Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place…. This positive induction story is with Elisabete and the arrival of baby Emily. Elisabete opted for an induction as her baby was mea

    A review for The Bump to Baby Chapter Course; Holly’s Birth

    Holly purchased the course whilst she was expecting baby number four. Holly had an empowering birth and sent us this lovely review for The Bump to Baby Chapter Course. I had 3 previous labours where I

    Leah’s Story; Feeling Prepared for a Forceps Birth

    Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place…. This positive birth story is with first time mum Leah. Leah felt anxious about birth and wanted to educate herself to help her
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