The Bump Chapter

  • What to expect 36 weeks pregnant

    What to expect at 36 weeks pregnant. What happens during the 36th week of pregnancy? How big is baby at 36 weeks pregnant? Your baby weighs an impressive 6 pounds (2.7kg) – give or take –

    What to expect 35 weeks pregnant?

    What to expect at 35 weeks pregnant. What happens during the 35th week of pregnancy? How big is baby at 35 weeks pregnant? This week your baby is around the size of a honeydew melon and they are weigh

    What to expect 34 weeks pregnant?

    What to expect at 34 weeks pregnant. What happens during the 34th week of pregnancy? 34 weeks! What a milestone! You are roughly 6 weeks away from meeting your baby. How big is baby at 34 weeks pregna

    Should I do perineal massage in pregnancy?

    You’ve probably heard about perineal massage and you may be contemplating if it is something to try. This blog post explores HOW and WHY perineal massage may be a great idea for you. Firstly, wh

    How successful is an ECV (external cephaloversion)?

    If you have been told your baby is in breech position, you have likely been offered an ECV. You may have lots of questions about this procedure. Incredible Obstetrician Victoria Medland here explores

    What is a breech baby?

    Have you recently been told that your baby is currently breech? Our resident Obstetrician, Victoria explores what is breech, and also outlines your options for birth. What is a breech baby? Breech is
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