Cranial Osteopathy
This post on cranial osteopathy was written by Ben from The Family Osteopath.
How does cranial osteopathy work with children, what is it we actually do?
The cranial bones of the head are designed to be soft and mobile so that the circumference of the skull can be reduced for a safer and ‘easier’ pathway through the birth canal.
During this process these bones can become twisted and compressed causing obstruction to their normal intended growth and development. This also impacts the passage of vital nerves and blood vessels to and from the head to the rest of the body. The gut for example, and above all this can be painful leading to upset and unnecessary crying. Other twists and compressions can happen in the whole of the body. Particularly the spine and pelvis, either from the birth or else in a lot on instances from being cramped upside mummy during pregnancy.
It is important to also remember the emotional elements too
Remember that before the cord is cut, the baby feels what you feel. Stress whilst pregnant, and certainly during long and difficult labours, can all add to a heightened level of adrenaline and urgency in children. This is also the case in caesarean section babies. The transition from lovely snug, warm, wet and dark environment to bright lights and noise can leave the child startled and distressed. How did you feel when you were last really stressed? Did you sleep well, eat well, feel like smiling for the world?
So in both cases of physical or emotional traumas, cranial osteopathy looks to restore a balance in the tissues. To gentle support and correct any strain patterns and to inhibit the side of the nervous system that has got caught up in all the stresses mentioned above. Like a plant that naturally reaches for the light, the inherent health within your children is amazing. They want to be healthy and well. Sometimes though they just need a little support and guidance to get there.
Cranial Osteopathy, whether treating new born babies or children (adults too) has a lot to offer the natural pursuit of health by treating traumas in a non-traumatic way.
The Family Osteopath
The Family Osteopath in Cheltenham provides help for many issues on a daily basis from:
- colic & reflux
- fractious and unsettled behaviours
- feeding issues
- sleep disturbances
- achievement of developmental milestones in babies
And in older children;
- glue ear
- speech difficulties
- growing pains
- behavioural issues
- tummy pains and more
Cranial osteopathy had its foundations set in 19202. Our understanding of how the physical traumas of pregnancy, birth and life’s knocks/illnesses, combined with the emotional upset of these events, helps us to help our patients reach and maintain their health.
Treatment is extremely light and non-invasive. Time is spent to explain how ill-health has arrived and how we can stop and prevent it happening again.
I’m always happy to help answer any questions or queries so please feel free to contact me, Ben and I’ll help where I can either