Dee’s Positive Birth Story
Love reading positive birth stories? You’re in the right place! This positive birth story is with Dee who describes her birth as “amazing”, saying “I had no knowledge of labour, only the type that you see on TV! Thanks to the course, I had complete calmness and control and had to most amazing, memorable experience”. Dee gave birth to her little boy in the water at 41+4 weeks.
⭐3 Sweeps
⭐Waters Broken
⭐Gas & Air/ Tens Machine/ Paracetamol
⭐41+4 Weeks
?Robbie Geoffrey Smith
?8th May 2021 15.39
?8lb 3oz
I honestly cannot believe how amazing my birthing experience was. Before signing up to the Bump to Baby Chapter, I had no knowledge of labour, only the type that you see on TV! Thanks to the course, I had complete calmness and control and had to most amazing, memorable experience.
I had 3 sweeps throughout the week. As soon as I left the sweep appointment on Thursday I was having contractions every 5-6 minutes. Fast forward to Saturday morning, 36 hours later and I’m still having contractions varying between 5-8 minutes apart… I had Paracetamol & my Tens machine and my partner was counting ‘in-2-3-4 out-2-3-4-5-6-7’ in his sleep, bless him. So, I finally went into hospital to have my waters artificially broken. I was 5cm when I arrived, they successfully broke my waters and within 30 minutes, my contractions had progressed, so I got into the pool. My partner was counting my breaths through each contraction, the whole way through.

I’d been in the pool for a good 45 minutes before I asked for gas & air, which I then used to the peak of each contraction and decided to breath through the rest, so I felt more in control. A while later, I got out the pool for a wee. As soon as I sat on the toilet, I hit the the transition stage. I started to find it hard to keep up with my breathing, I felt exhausted and had a sudden overwhelming ‘what the hell am I doing here’ feeling. Thankfully my partner knew what was going on, having watched alot of the course with me, so he pulled me back and reminded me that we were so close to meeting our baby. I got back into the pool, regained control and very shortly started to push, using down breaths, and then pant breaths to resist the urge to push when the midwife told me to.

I did have slight tearing that the midwife stitched up in the room but I didn’t care because I was able to watch my baby have skin to skin with his Daddy next to me.
I cannot explain how greatful I am for this course. I never imagined I would say that I enjoyed giving birth but I did! ?
If you want to learn ways to have a positive birth, know how to stack the odds in your favour to get the birth you want, learn techniques I cope with contractions & feel more prepared and confident in your pregnancy, then come and enrol in The Bump to Baby Chapter’s Antenatal and Hypnobirthing online course, it is only £34 to give everyone the opportunity to have a great birth. This course is led by a midwife, includes antenatal education birth prep and Hypnobirthing.