Georgie’s Positive VBAC
Love reading positive birth stories? You’re in the right place…. This positive birth VBAC story is with Georgie’s second baby. She used breathing techniques, hypnobirthing and had a positive water birth.
I won’t go in to detail of my previous pregnancy as it was not a positive one, twins (who are now 4) boys by C-section and I had no say in any decisions…however, this is the complete opposite and want to focus on how amazing it was and you have control over what you want! So, fast forward to this pregnancy and I was determined to fight for my rights and have the positive birth I felt I deserved! I was going for a VBAC. My friend actually recommended Hypnobirthing, I’d not heard of it before so I did my research and found Beth’s ‘The Bump to Baby Chapter’- and I was so pleased I could do it all online and it’s something I can keep forever (even though this will be the last baby).
I completed the course slowly across 6-7 weeks and then once I started mat leave I re-visited the chapters that would suit my birth plan. I also listened to the audios nightly before bed to get me ready for the right frame of mind!
Due date came and went…Was getting a bit fed up and midwife offered a stretch and sweep on the Tues (40+5). Typical that mon night I started to get my bloody show. She said cervix was quite difficult to get to but she managed a successful sweep. I was 1cm and cervix 2cm thick. I had a bit of cramping, but nothing manifested. Until early hours of Wednesday morning I was getting irregular contractions but it was all under my belly button and around my lower back (they were strong enough for me to be gripping the bed) and quite intense pain on my scar so I went in to be checked. They did some monitoring- baby was happy and scar was ok. They agreed they were strong contractions but not regular enough.
I agreed to an examination to find I was still 1cm and 0.5cm thick- so felt really deflated because I thought this was the start. They sent me home with codeine and paracetamol and told me to get some sleep and to just rest. Contractions fizzled out slightly but was still getting the odd contraction so was hopeful and I took this as my body is still doing something so I rested and let it do its thing. I also stopped timing them as I felt I was concentrating too much and almost delaying letting my body do what it needed, another tip from Beth to not over analyse and just go with the flow.
Instead I focused on all the techniques I learnt from Beth and kept on breathing through each, imagining the waves building and reminding myself they’ll wash away within a minute or so and I CAN DO THIS, MY BODY WAS MADE TO DO THIS. I also had the use of the TENS machine to cause distraction. At around 6:30pm things started ramping up but again I didn’t want to focus on timing so I got my husband to do it. I got in the bath and spent a bit of time in there, got out and he made me a hot curry ?.
I kept my breathing steady and after 2 hours I said I think we need to call MAU.
Then suddenly, I started to get bouts of mooing/roaring ? (at my assessment in the morning I did say to my OH I wonder if I will moo as I’d heard someone else at that point!). I got to the MAU assessment just before 10pm and was examined to find I was 4cm but could stretch to 5cm.
She mentioned how controlled my breathing was and I’d do really well with gas and air if I wanted. She said we could go up to delivery suite and I said no, I’ve been accepted to go on MLU and would like to give that a try – I believed that if I’d have accepted then I was giving in and then my mindset would’ve expected intervention. Same with the cannula- I refused because I wanted to keep positive that all would be fine. We got to MLU just after 11, the mood lighting was on, the pool was running, and they had HEART radio on in the background. They let me get in the water, it was like my body was waiting for that first part of my birth plan as then things moved very quickly from there.
Within 20mins my waters went and a few moments after that I said my body was pushing. The midwives were all shocked because they said how well I was breathing they thought it was going to be a long labour. They carried on respecting my wishes to let me do what I felt I needed to and to only start to guide me when I felt I needed it. Before we knew it I was told to reach down and feel his head (a lot of hair- that would be the heartburn) then his face popped out along with a hand up by his face like superman! It was such a surreal experience. Then came the final instruction to push down as hard as I could to birth his body. At this point I was so glad I kept HEART radio on because they were playing club classics and the bass beat of the song played alongside my final contraction and allowed to me to be in complete control.
Then, out he came at 1:04am! I lifted him out of the water and felt that rush and also disbelief of, “Oh my god I did it!”
Having never laboured before I had no clue what I was in for but thanks to Beth and her course I was in complete control the whole time! My husband cut the cord after 15mins, and he had skin to skin whilst I got out of the pool to deliver the placenta. I then had skin to skin and he had his first feed, the midwives sat down next to us and we all had a lovely relaxing time just talking. I was then sutured up. I had a small tear near my labia- they think it was because of how he came out with his hand by his face, and had a small scratch but very fortunate to not tear anywhere else.
I got my successful VBAC! Focus was key and my body took over and knew exactly what to do ?
It was such a calming experience and one I will never forget so thank you Bump to Baby chapter for equipping me with the tools to do this ?
Baby boy Ellis ?,
Born 8lb 2oz at 1:04am on 15th Oct
Exactly 41 weeks
If you are considering a VBAC, here Obstetrician Vicki Medland explores the pros and cons to both to help you make an informed decision in our blog Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC).
Click for more information about The Bump to Baby Chapter’s Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Online Course. Videos, checklists, audios & a support group all created by a midwife to get you feeling excited and confident for birth.