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Holly’s First Baby: Quick Birth

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First-time-mum Holly had a bit of a panic in early labour but went on to have a wonderful birth after just 7 minutes of pushing. Baby Zoey was Holly’s first baby and she had a quick birth. Love reading positive birth stories? You’re in the right place…

I just wanted to let you know how much your Bump to Baby Chapter helped during labour of my first baby!”

Early Labour

The night of my due date I started having mild cramps but nothing stronger than period cramps so I didn’t think anything of it. By 11:30pm that night they were strong enough that I knew they had to be contractions. They were still pretty far apart at this point and I was able to talk through them. I thought I’d try to get some sleep. Baby had other plans – they started to get a lot stronger, still bearable, but strong enough that I couldn’t get to sleep.  So, I started timing them.

I sat on my ball watching Netflix through to 6 am when I began having to breathe through them. They were still not close enough together to go to hospital. I wanted to stay at home as long as possible and didn’t want to travel in for them to send me home again! And I felt fine otherwise so there were no concerns that way.

The hypnobirthing techniques REALLY worked and I’m so glad I learnt them.”

Read more about What is Hypnobirthing here.

Just being able to tell myself that my body was designed to do this, and that the contractions were only going to last 90 secs and then I get a break.  I also quickly learnt that my contractions really peaked at 45 seconds. Really I only had to make it through 45 seconds and then they were on the wind down. The breathing techniques at this stage (in for 4 and out for 7) honestly got me through the pain. I don’t know if I would have managed as well without knowing them!

The Next Morning

By 9am they weren’t much closer together but still strong and regular. I was starting to think about phoning in to maternity unit. When I went for a wee I noticed a lot of blood. I did panic and thought something was wrong. I knew from the amount of blood I needed to go straight into hospital. So off we went.

At 9.30am we arrived at maternity unit and a midwife saw me straight away. She attached a monitor around my bump to make sure baby was ok.  At that point that’s honestly all I cared about. Baby’s heartbeat was fine and she seemed perfectly healthy. So next thing was to assess me. I had hoped for a water birth but I always knew it may not be an option depending on circumstances etc. I was prepared to go with the flow. When the midwife was checking how dilated I was all I could think was ‘please please PLEASE be at least 4 cm’…because then they could give me gas and air. I didn’t think I could have taken much more pain.

“I’m HOW much dilated?!”

That’s when she looked up at me and said “You’re at least 9cm dilated, we need to go to delivery suite …now.” I couldn’t believe it. 9cm. WHAT?!

First Baby Quick Birth

My waters only broke on the way to the delivery suite. Yes, on the way. In the lift and all down the corridor to be exact! I got to delivery suite, got straight on the gas and air. Had a few contractions. Pushed for 7 minutes. And there she was!

I couldn’t believe it. We left the house at 9am and Zoey was born at 1153am.  16th October 2022. 7lb 13 oz. Only one day after her due date!

Your course honestly put me at so much ease.  Baby Zoey was nearly born on the motorway on the way to hospital!

I can’t thank you enough, I’ll be recommending you to every pregnant gal I know!”

Read another first baby birth story, Emma’s First Baby Birth Story.

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