Laura’s Positive Birth; hormone drip and forceps delivery
Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place…. This positive birth story is with Laura and the arrival of her baby girl Olivia. Laura laboured at 6cm and then her labour slowed. She made the decision to have the hormone drip to help her to progress. Laura had an episiotomy and forceps to help deliver her baby, and despite this not being part of her desired birth she says the whole experience was very positive.
Sweeps and Contractions
My pregnancy had been lovely with zero complications, my due date came around and so began the sweeps…after my 3rd sweep contractions started 02:30 morning of the 25th. I really wasn’t sure if it was them so I rang triage. They told me to take a couple paracetamol and try get some sleep as I will be needing the energy. That was definitely easier said than done, I could not sleep!!
I woke my husband and headed on downstairs to watch some tv while lying over my birthing ball. I started to feel sick and threw up a couple times which apparently is normal! After an hour watching tv I decided to run a bath, and wow, this was so nice…I stayed in there for a couple hours (I think).
After that my husband put on the tens machine and OH MY GOD AMAZING!!! “
This was definitely my best purchase. For me it really took the edge of the contractions.
Read all about what is a TENS for labour here.
Heading to Hospital
We got to 09:00 and decided to give triage another call, I was struggling to decide when we should head to hospital. I was feeling very anxious about the 50 minute car ride so told them I wasn’t coping well to be told to make my way in. On arrival I was examined and to my surprise and relief I was already 6cm!!…I burst out crying and was sick again. I really thought I wasn’t dealing with everything very well.
Hormone Drip
We headed to the delivery room and got into the birthing pool, the relief was amazing!… I tried gas and air but didn’t like it so just carried on with focusing on my breathing. My waters were bulging out which I think was stopping things progressing so the midwife popped them for me. Fast forward 4hrs and my contractions slowed down. I had to get out the pool to be assessed, this led to the hormone drip for an hour.
Change of Plans; forceps
She still wasn’t coming out no matter how hard I pushed. Her head kept going back in after each contractions!!!…at 17:30 the decision was then made to go to theatre for a forceps delivery. By this point I was exhausted, so felt very relieved at the decision. I have to say the best thing EVER was when that spinal block before they used the forceps went in…OH MY GOD AMAZING!!!!… the weirdest thing was pushing when I couldn’t feel anything!!.. a few minutes later our baby girl was handed to us. What a feeling that was to hear her cry, the whole experience was mind blowing and so worth every minute when you see your baby at the end and the love you feel for them.
I was terrified before this course and I was honestly excited for it by the end, I look at my whole birth experience as being very positive.”
Best purchases: tens machine & portable fan!
Lastly I just want to say a huge thank you to Beth for The Bump to Baby Chapter, it honestly changed my whole outlook on labour. I was terrified before this course and I was honestly excited for it by the end, I look at my whole birth experience as being very positive.
Good luck to all the mummies to be, you’re going to smash it!! the body really is amazing and knows exactly what to do, just go with it