Louise’s Vaginal Breech Birth
Love reading positive birth stories? You’re in the right place! This incredible birth story is with Louise and her vaginal breech birth of baby girl Winnie. Louise was made aware that Winnie was breech at 34 weeks and after two unsuccessful ECV (external cephalic version; a procedure whereby a doctor places their hands on the mother’s abdomen and attempts to manually rotate the baby). Louise used EBRAN to decide to attempt a vaginal delivery and baby Winnie was born at 41 weeks.
I had suffered from HG (hyperemesis gravidarum) throughout my pregnancy which I found very hard. Every day felt exhausting and I would be sick up to 20 times a day during the first 4 months, then around 5 times a day through the final months. I was vomiting up until I gave birth and then it stopped! Even though the 38 weeks of sickness was awful and some days I was bedbound, I loved being pregnant and having her in my tummy.
Growth Scan
Other than the sickness everything else along the way was ok. We had a routine midwife appointment at 34 weeks and it was a different midwife to all our appointments before. She said as soon as we walked in that she is 100% certain that this appointment will end in us being sent for a growth scan and monitoring. I thought this was odd. She said she measured differently. So keeping to her word, she sent us off for monitoring and for a growth scan. The monitoring showed everything was fine and that she was happy wriggling around in there.
We then went for the growth scan, which showed she was growing fine. The only problem was that she was breech. We were then sent to speak with the midwife consultant about options. Options being; ECV procedure (where they turn the baby around from the outside) or elective c-section. At this meeting they advised that for first time mums they do not advise vaginal births so suggested the ECV if a vaginal birth was what we wanted. We decided to try the ECV and booked in 23/06/2021 – my birthday! A treat!
External Cephalic Version (ECV)
At this appointment they tried to turn her three times and were unsuccessful. We were then booked in to try again the following week where they tried another two times. She was still breech. I assumed she was super comfy so stopped trying. After the ECV a different midwife consultant came and spoke with us about birthing options either elective c-section or she also suggested trying for a VBB (Vaginal Breech Birth) as the midwives were trained in breech births which was great to hear.
After being told the difficulties and risks of a VBB we went home to think about the options. We were told with a VBB they don’t interfere so could offer no induction so would need to book in for a c-section if she didn’t come herself. We booked her in the latest date they said we could go over to give her full time to make her way herself. Our due date was 15/07 and the c-section was booked 27/07.
Braxton Hicks
The 4 weeks after that I remained active and tried to keep busy as the last few weeks are testing and tiring. I was still being sick every day. At 40+5 on the Tuesday I started getting period like cramps consistently. I started to time them and they were about 5-6 minutes apart and 45-50 seconds long. As baby was breech I was told in an earlier appointment that I would not be able to labour at home due to the risks and would have to go into hospital straight away. We were told that breech births can happen very quickly, within a couple hours and also if my waters broke at home to check that the umbilical cord hadn’t come down as it can be dangerous. So we phoned the labour ward and they said to keep timing them as they were probably Braxton Hicks.
By the early evening all cramps had subsided. As this was mid-heatwave my partner had set up a paddling pool in the garden which was a great relief in the heat being full term so I spent a lot of time floating! Come Wednesday and nothing happened, no cramps, no show, and no other signs labour may be pending.
The next day, Thursday 22/07 I had my 41 week midwife appointment. During this appointment I mentioned baby had been quiet that morning and so the midwife suggested I go for monitoring straight away. At the hospital the monitoring showed baby was active and happy but as I was 41 weeks and this was the 2nd time I had been sent in for monitoring the midwife sent me for a scan to check all was ok.
Fast forward an hour (and a few different talks with various doctors who came to express their concerns about waiting another 4 days for the planned c-section and suggesting to bring it forward) we had a scan. Again everything was all seen as good and so we then had a discussion with the doctor regarding next steps – they said if baby was head down they would offer an induction at this point but baby girl was breech and they said they couldn’t so said they would like to bring forward the c-section and book it in for 2 days time.
The doctor gave us 3 options:
1. Go home and wait the 4 days for baby to come.
2. Check cervix and go home and wait for baby.
3. C-section in 2 days.
After discussing with my partner (cue EBRAN) we decided to go with option 2. They checked my cervix and said it was ‘stretchy’ so good chance she could come herself. We left the hospital at 5.30pm and went home.
Contractions Starting
That evening we had dinner, watched some tv and then went for a walk. At 10.30pm we got into the paddling pool in the garden by which we had now (earlier that evening) topped up with warm water and so it was like a huge bath! After being in the pool for roughly 20 minutes all cramping had eased and we discussed going to bed and getting a good night sleep in case anything was going to happen in the next day or so.
Just as we were mid conversation I suddenly had a pain that took my breath away and I couldn’t speak. Two minutes later another one came and again I couldn’t speak/ stand. We got out the pool and a minute later I was on all fours thinking the baby would be coming in the garden at that moment. Back in the house we changed out of our swimwear and got to the car (whilst having 3 more contractions).
We left for the hospital at 11pm and arrived at 11.20pm. The drive was horrible. I kept thinking we wouldn’t make it. The maternity unit had closed due to being over capacity which sent me into panic as my contractions were strong and about 2 minutes apart. They also said 5 hospitals in the surrounding area were closed due to being full too. Peter explained to the midwife that we were told to come straight in at the first sign of labour as we were advised they had midwives trained for vaginal breech births and then suddenly they ran to get a room ready.
Contractions Intensifying
During this time I was waiting in a very full triage on my own as partners were still not allowed in that area. I waited for 20 minutes pacing the hallway as I couldn’t sit down due to the intense contractions. I also felt like I was being so dramatic whilst everyone else was sat down quietly and I felt like screaming! Shirley, the midwife, came and got me and took me to the room.
As soon as I got into the room around 11.50 I sat straight on the toilet as it strangely seemed to help. I felt like I kept needing to push. I then had 3 contractions about a minute apart which Shirley helped me breathe through with the 4 in – 7 out. She was great, and so calm! Shirley went to get Peter and also to get the doctor so I could be checked over. Because baby was breech we were told a doctor would have to deliver which we were fine with.
At 12pm everyone was in the room and I was relieved to have Peter back with me. He looked so panicked when he walked through the door and I just grabbed his hand and asked for help. I needed something – any sort of painkiller at this point would have been welcomed. The doctor checked me and said I was fully dilated (relieved) so there was no time for pain relief. They said I must have laboured at home in the pool without knowing!! I was so shocked as when I opted for the vaginal breech birth they said it could be quick but I wasn’t expecting it to all happen this quickly. It was suddenly 0-100!
Breech Birth
True to their word everything was happening and suddenly 40 minutes after arriving at hospital I was getting ready to push. I got on all fours on the bed and at this point my waters broke which was such a relief. Suddenly I felt my body take over and an intense urge to push.
I remember I heard someone say ‘the toes are right there, we need to turn her over’. It felt like there was no way I could turn over but somehow they turned me over. I started to push, Peter was helping me breathe properly and not panic. They gave me some gas and air at this point and focused my breathing to the 4 in 7 out. 7 minutes and 3 pushes later at 00.48 my beautiful girl was born.
I heard Peter telling me she was here! I opened my eyes and saw so many people, I was shocked. Shirley told me later that they had the student midwives on shift all in the room so they could see a breech birth. They took Winnie straight away as she didn’t cry to begin with (apparently quite common with breech babies). When I heard her cry they brought her straight over and put her on my chest. I couldn’t believe it – it was the most magical moment of my life!
Postnatal Care and Baby Cuddles
I had to have an episiotomy so whilst I was being stitched up I had skin to skin time with Winnie which was wonderful.
At 2am once all the craziness was over and the room was cleaned up. Shirley left the 3 of us to sleep and myself and Peter spent the next 4 hours in a wonderful newborn bubble (not sleeping as I just stared at Winnie and Peter). I loved it so much.
At 6am the midwives came to take bloods as I haemorrhaged during birth and lost 1.5 litres of blood. We had to stay for the day having blood checks and routine tests. Once everything was ok we were allowed home later that day at 6pm. My labour and birth was 1hr 17mins so they had suggested my next be a home birth!
Shirley was the most wonderful midwife and Peter was the best birthing partner.I’m very grateful for my experience and our beautiful Winnie

Have you recently been told that your baby is currently breech? Our resident Obstetrician, Victoria explores what is a breech baby, and also outlines your options for birth.
Click the link for more information about The Bump to Baby Chapter’s Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Online Course. Know what you can do to stack the odds in your favour for the birth that you want. Videos, checklists, audios & a support group all created by a midwife to get you feeling excited, prepared and confident for birth.