Pippa’s Birth Story – Prepared for giving birth
Firstly I just wanted to thank you so much for providing such brilliant advice and information for pregnancy and to get prepared for giving birth. Having all that knowledge and knowing all the options, really put me in a positive frame of mind as a first time Mum and I really feel it hugely contributed to the amazing birth experience we had, which I wanted to share:
‘ During my first trimester I really suffered from morning/ALL DAY! sickness, so to keep motivated I wanted to get clued up about all things around pregnancy and birth in a really positive way, which is just what The Bump to Baby Chapter gave.
I feel amazingly fortunate to have had the most incredible experience as a FTM and the insight I got from TBBC I know was a huge contributing factor – knowledge is key!
Baby Bish was due on the 3.11.2020 and I was convinced it would be a late baby. So when I started to get period type pains on the evening of the 30.10, I couldn’t quite believe I was going into labour (although it shouldn’t have really come as a surprise!) It did also mean my husband was at a wedding in London – so at midnight he got a call to come home ASAP and my amazing mother in law stepped in as temporarily birth partner. At 1am my contractions were getting more intense and we called into the birth centre. They were great and said I could come in for examination, but as a FTM, it could still be some time.
For the next half hour I sat on my ball and kept telling myself that I could do it! But by 1.30am things really started to ramp up, so we headed to hospital. It was a 30 minute trip, but felt like it went on for ages as my contractions were getting even more intense. I was so pleased to get to the birth centre and have amazing midwives around me, and by the time I arrived I felt ready to push!
I went straight to a delivery room for examination and I was 10cms!! Couldn’t quite believe it. Gas and air was a godsend at this point – babies head was engaged and I started to push. I really used my breathing at this point and got into the zone, keeping my jaw relaxed and listening to my body telling me to push. At 3.31am baby Bish was born! If someone had told me at midnight that it would all be done in 3 1/2 hours – I would not have believed it!
We didn’t find out the sex, and it was so exciting when his granny said he was a baby boy with a lot of hair!!! I gave birth to my placenta naturally within the hour and then did have some stiches – something which always worries me, but TBBC gave me the knowledge and it really wasn’t bad at all. I was so besotted with baby boy, that it totally took my mind of it, whilst the midwives worked their magic (by which time my husband had also arrived, so my emotions went into full overdrive!). The golden hour was something I’ll never forget and such precious moments together. We were discharged on the same day and have been enjoying starting the family life journey for the last 11 days.
Already thinking about baby number 2 and possibly a homebirth!
Thank you Beth for providing everything we needed.’
For more information about The Bump to Baby Chapter’s Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Online Course. Know what you can do to stack the odds in your favour for the birth that you want. Videos, checklists, audios & a support group all created by a midwife to get you feeling excited, confident and prepared for giving birth.