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Positive Birth Story – Big Baby

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Positive birth stories big baby.... This birth story is Jessica's 3rd baby, a big baby. She used breathing techniques, hypnobirthing and had a waterbirth.

Positive birth story for a big baby

This positive birth story is with Jessica’s 3rd baby, a rainbow baby, who was predicted to be a big baby. She used breathing techniques, hypnobirthing and had a positive water birth. 

Pregnancy – Baby predicted on the 95th centile

Being a 3rd time mum (and after having 4 miscarriages) I was super stressed about this birth. My first was 28 hours and an epidural. My second was 4 hours from start to finish on gas and air. This one, I was convinced would be much more difficult. This pregnancy I was predicted to have a big baby. From about 28 weeks I started to measure about 3 weeks ahead so started to get sent for growth scans. 3 scans down (our last one was 16th Jan!) they told us that baby was on the 95th centile. But, as it was my 3rd they weren’t going to do anything. Being 5ft 2 and having only had 8lb 2oz babies I was a bit apprehensive. 

Early labour

I felt like I had been having intense braxton hicks for weeks. On the Monday night we decided to have a curry and watch a film. I was feeling miserable about going overdue but started to have regular tightenings whilst watching our movie. The tightenings weren’t painful but were every 7 minutes and felt a bit stronger than usual. After about 2 hours they fizzled out and I went to bed. 

1.30am I woke suddenly and knew that my waters were about to go. They’ve always been quite dramatic in the past and gushed out so I jumped out of bed just in time and ‘whoosh’. As this was my 3rd baby (and we live about 35 mins away from the hospital) we were called in to the birth unit for assessment. I must’ve sounded so panicked on the phone because there were 4 lovely midwives and a wheelchair waiting to collect me from the maternity unit door when we arrived.

Things started slow. Baby’s head was high and although my cervix was fully effaced, I was only 2cm.

I had a bath and contractions began at about 3.30am. I used the rectangle breathing method to stay calm and it was a huge help! Didn’t want gas and air yet until I really felt I needed it. 

Active Labour

At 4.30 the contractions were picking up and the midwife told me to start timing. They were very 3 minutes and gradually increasing with intensity.

By 6.15 she examined me again because I was really starting to struggle with the pain. I’d expressed that I’d like to try labouring in a birth pool. Although only 4cm, she gave me a stretch whilst examining and within half an hour I was 6cm and ready for the pool!

By this point I was really starting to lose control. I felt I needed something to help whilst the pool was filling but the gas and air made me feel too sick and I had to stop.

From this point on my main control method was finding a position in the pool that I could push my legs against the side and, quite frankly, making a reasonable amount of noise.

By about 7.45 I was starting to beg for somebody to help out and claiming I couldn’t do it and the amazing midwife who was doing the handover asked if I wanted her to examine me. I felt I needed her to because I had to get some indication of whether I was anywhere near to the end!

She confirmed that although I was only 8cm, being my 3rd baby she could help by opening up my cervix for baby to come through during the next contraction. 

The Birth

A few minutes later, some uncomfortable pushing and an outstanding midwife helping me out, our little boy arrived! I didn’t think I wanted to give birth in the pool because I’m frightened of seeing my own blood but it was amazing. Placenta was delivered in the pool about 10 minutes later and amazingly didn’t need stitches this time around!

Thank you Beth and TBTBC for giving me the confidence to believe in myself. Throughout the entire labour I resighted my affirmations and it helped me to stay focussed. Never in a million years did I think I’d have the strength to birth my baby with only a birth pool to help ease pain.

Sorry for the VERY long story – if you made it this far congrats and good luck to all of you mamma’s who are yet to have your babies. Believe in yourself – it’s amazing how much the power of your mind plays in your ability to birth your baby positively. 

It hurts. It does. But if I can labour and deliver a 9lb 4oz baby without any drugs, anyone can!


Want to read more about birthing a big baby.


Want to know more about Jessica’s hypnobirthing. Click the link for more information about The Bump to Baby Chapter’s Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Online Course. Know what you can do to stack the odds in your favour for the birth that you want.

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