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Quick first time Labour story

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Positive birth story

Baby girl born on the 19/08 at 9pm at 38+4 weeks. Gender was a suprise. 🩷

On the 14th August I started to have a ‘show’, this happened everyday until she was born. I also had mild cramps daily.

I was very anxious and emotional when this happened and I felt I wasn’t ready yet. I felt like I was grieving my partner as it wouldn’t just be the two of us anymore.

On the 19th August, my waters broke around half 4/5pm, I started getting contractions about 5/10 minutes apart straight away. At 7pm I couldn’t bare the pain any longer and we drove to the hospital. At 7:55 they examined me and I was 5cm dilated and in established labour. At half 8 they wheeled me into the room with a pool and at 9pm she was born. I didn’t have time to get into the pool, but I am very grateful at how quickly she came into the world. I also didn’t tear. My partner was amazing at reminding me to do my breathing techniques. I only had gas and air as I didn’t have time for anything else.

Me and my partner are besotted with her, I truly feel like she has completed us. All that worrying for nothing. She is perfect! 🩷

I had an amazing experience with my labour. The course really helped me, thank you!


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