Rachel’s Positive Birth; Undiagnosed Breech
Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place…. This positive birth story is with Rachel and the arrival of her baby girl Martha. Martha is Rachel’s second baby. Rachel went into labour at 37 weeks and headed to her local maternity led unit. Rachel’s baby was undiagnosed breech, identified at the pushing stages. Rachel was guided by her midwife and delivered Martha after just 3 minutes of pushing.
This was my second baby and I was probably more anxious this time even though my first daughter’s birth was a really positive experience. It was midwife led maternity hospital, water birth, gas and air. 7 hour labour with 20 mins pushing.
To help reduce my anxiety I signed up for the online course this time round and I am so pleased I did. My second labour turned out to be an undiagnosed breech delivery and without this course I wouldn’t have learnt the positive mindset that got me through it.
Full Term
Wednesday 22nd December, 37 weeks 3 days I decided that my daughter needed a whoopee cushion in her stocking. So off I went walking to Home Bargains. 1 hour 45 minutes later I’m back home with no whoopee cushion! Husband went off to work and I spent the day with my toddler.
At around 5pm I started to get very mild period like aches. Around 5.30pm I realised they were getting worse and text my husband that I had some pains.
He came home from work around 6.30pm and I had called my parents to say I think I’m in labour and could they collect my toddler. I told them no rush and to have some tea before driving over. I had taken some paracetamol and was bouncing on my ball whilst using a comb to squeeze on when I had a contraction, which had now got quite regular.
Maternity Led Unit
At around 9pm the pain was bearable but only just, I decided it was time to call the hospital. I had wanted to go back to Stroud Maternity Hospital so rang them. There was no answer to my first 4 phone calls so I said I’d try one last time and if they don’t answer I’ll ring Gloucester. Luckily the call was answered. During the 3 minute call I had 2 contractions and barely said anything but the midwife said I think you need to come in! We’ll see you shortly.
Off we went to Stroud, still clutching my trusty comb helping me through whilst using my breathing techniques. I was so grateful for the time of evening meaning the car park was empty and we could park right outside minimising the walk for me.
Arriving at the Hospital
I walked into the room and the pool was already being run and I remember thinking o wow! They must think babies coming soon, I’ve got ages! I snapped a quick pic at 9.41pm and my Husband put the kettle on to make himself a cup of tea. Little did he know he wouldn’t have chance to drink it before baby arrived!
My midwife started writing in my notes at 9.50pm and at 9.53pm my waters went. A lot of laughter because my reaction was quick get my shoes off!! The contraction after my waters had gone was intense and I was on no pain relief still and I started to lose control. I remember crying “noooo this is happening too quick”. I knew I had to get back in control and I remained positive and got on the cushions on the floor and was then handed gas and air. It was vey much needed at that point. It was also at this point my husband tried to take the comb off me. I may have shouted at him that I needed it and wouldn’t hand it over.
Undiagnosed Breech
At 9.57pm I started pushing and I hear the midwife say babies breech, I need you up on all fours. I just knew in that moment I had to listen and do everything she was telling me. I concentrated on her voice, I did not let myself panic and I remember thinking, “just listen to her and you’ll be ok”.
After 3 minutes of pushing at 10pm baby was born. A breech delivery was not expected and it’s thought as Martha was small she turned sometime in the few days prior after I last saw my midwife and due to her small size I didn’t feel her turn.
The course really helped me stay in control during my super speedy labour and unexpected breech delivery. Totally worth the money and worth doing even though this was my second baby and had been through labour before.