Rosie’s Positive Induction
Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place…. This positive birth story is with Rosie who was induced at 38 weeks. Rosie made informed choices to accept being induced. She used breathing techniques and a tens machine to support her during her birth.
Waters Breaking
My waters broke Tuesday 14th December at 9pm (an hour after I’d text some friends saying nothing happening!) when I was exactly 38 weeks pregnant. After a visit to MAC, they did a baby heart tracing which was all fine. They discharged me back home as I wasn’t having any contractions. I was told at this point that would need to be induced the following day (within 24 hours of waters breaking) if active labour hadn’t started by then.
Once home that night, mild contractions started around 2am 4 minutes apart but not too strong. I was getting slightly pinkish waters leaking still. Phoned MAC thinking they might want me in but they told me to take two paracetamols and get some sleep. I didn’t really want to take the paracetamol but as the only comfortable place was on my birthing ball. Every time I lay down I was in pain I took it eventually around 4am and swiftly went to sleep. The contractions also stopped soon after taking the paracetamol.
Keeping Active
The following day Wednesday 15th December, I met a friend and went for a walk. Packed up my hospital bag and waited for the call from hospital.
Being induced; the induction process
They called me in to be induced in the afternoon and I was examined and told was 1cm dilated and had the pessary inserted at the same time approx 6pm. Chatting to my birthing partner and bouncing around on my birthing ball for a good few hours. The contractions were bearable and I felt excited. Started my tens machine at this point to get used to it.
By midnight I was transferred to the labour ward as would need the IV induction drip as my contractions hadn’t ramped up too much, although they were quite strong and fairly regular. I was examined again and found to be 1cm dilated still. After some persuasion, the midwife allowed another two hours to see if I dilated any more. At around 2am I was examined again and 2cm dilated. They said I definitely needed the drip at this point.
They advised I also have an epidural at the same time as the induction drip but I felt didn’t need it. The midwives felt I should have it as unlikely to be able to sit still later if wanted it. But I had a feeling that baby was going to try arrive and I didn’t want to jump to an epidural just yet. So far I’d stood up or been on the birthing ball for the duration apart from being on the bed for any examinations.
Contractions Strengthening
The induction drip went up around 3.40am. I was told they’d examine me 6 hours after this, then another 4 hours after that. The contractions really got strong after the drip. They increased the rate of the drip every half an hour and a few hours in I was having 5-6 strong contractions within 10 minutes. A senior midwife came in and advised needed to turn the drip down! I was really focused on breathing in for 4 and out for 7 which I’d learnt on The Bump to Baby Chapter and had the tens machine on boost for every contraction. When I needed the toilet anymore so had to squat on a bedpan over the bed!
I also had little affirmation cards all over the bed.”
I considered asking for gas and air but didn’t want to be spaced out or sick and I knew I didn’t want any diamorphine or pethidine as I had feeling that baby was trying to arrive so didn’t want to make him drowsy. Whilst on the drip I wasn’t allowed anything to eat. I did sneak a couple of fruit pastilles as was hungry and needed energy!
Breathing through Contractions
At 6.20am I felt my contractions change and wanted to push. I think the midwives were a bit doubtful initially but soon could see I was serious and agreed to examine me. After a difficult examination she said could feel babies head and was approx 8cm dilated. I still wanted to be stood up (swaying holding onto my drip stand!). It really took a lot of concentration to breathe my 4 in and out for 7. I was really reliant on the tens machine boost throughout being induced and started using a little plug in fan to circulate air and tried to have regular sips water as was so hot! My mum was called in at this point as wanted her to be able to see the birth.
The midwives wanted to put an electrode on babies head at some point after this so wanted me on the bed. Again I just felt I really couldn’t so asked them to attach it whilst I was stood up (mechanic style!) which they did. Soon after this babies heart rate was dropping and I was really losing my breath counts as the pain meant I needed to let out a totally whole body groan as loud as I could to get through each contraction! (Sorry to the other ladies on the ward who might have heard me!).
I agreed to get on the bed and just as was being prepped for an episiotomy, I managed to push him out at 8am. Handover time for the midwives so the room was full! I got a second degree tear and was stitched up. I accepted the injection to pass the placenta which came out soon after baby with a few deep pushes.
Tea and Toast
I would do it all again in a heartbeat!”
The toast was incredible (I was literally biting the student midwives hand off as she fed it to me!) and baby was placed on my chest. I couldn’t get baby to latch but with some help from a midwife did a first feed lying down. I was totally spent!! But in awe that this little beautiful boy had managed to arrive! I really felt we were a little team. I totally credit this course for amazing preparation, advice and the hypnobirthing approach of breathing and positive mindset. Thank you Beth! I would do it all again in a heartbeat!