Home » Should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter Online Hypnobirthing?

Should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter Online Hypnobirthing?

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If you’ve stumbled upon our page, or maybe you’ve been lurking for a while… You may be wondering – should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter Online Hypnobirthing? If you don’t want to read the whole article, then the answer is just a big fat YES! Let me tell you just a few reasons why.

Birth Prep is SO important

Let’s start with the obvious – I think birth prep is SO important. I know as a midwife I am biased, but I am also a mum of four – i.e. I have given birth myself four times. Birth prep is about knowing your options, helping you to keep in control when things don’t go to “plan A”, and stacking the odds in your favour for a positive birth.

It is Midwife Led

Unlike the majority of online birth prep courses, The Bump to Baby Chapter’s online course is created and delivered by me – a qualified UK midwife and mum of four. I am also trained in hypnobirthing and so am able to weave the two. This ensures that the hypnobirthing techniques I teach also fully apply to what really happens in practice.

We are one of the best value on the market

The Bump to Baby Chapter’s course is one of the cheapest out there. You also get LIFETIME ACCESS. This means you can use it for future pregnancies because you pay once and then it is yours to keep and access forever.

Don’t just take it from me…

If you still need to convincing on “Should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter Online Hypnobirthing?” – here are what some of our amazing grads say about the course

Adrianne’s Birth – Emergency Caesarean

“I wanted to message to say a huge thank you for creating the bump to baby chapter course and say how much it helped me during my pregnancy and the birth of my baby Willow. 

I ended up having an emergency c section after a lot of twists and turns during a 3 day labour. However, using the EBRAN tool and breathing exercises I was able to have the calm, positive birth experience I really wanted. 

The example you spoke about on the EBRAN video specifically helped me as I was able to avoid having an induction drip after my waters had broke 20hours before. Using the tools, I was able to advocate for myself and see if we could wait the full 24hs before making the call on having the drip. To see if my body would get into established labour by itself. Along with the support of my incredible birth partner and my amazing midwife, I was able to let my body do its thing and avoid the induction. This was a huge win for me. 

I honestly don’t know what I would have done without the breathing exercises during contractions and calming myself from having adrenaline shakes while getting the spinal for the c-section. 

All the information I learnt about birth helped my anxiety so much during my pregnancy. There were also less surprises during the birth as I had done my homework and I understood what the doctor was saying to me or equally if I didn’t, the course gave me the confidence to speak up and ask questions.

Thank you so much again for creating this course, I now get to enjoy doing The Baby Chapter while having lots of newborn snuggles… absolute bliss.

Lots of love, 

Adrianne & baby Willow xx

Should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter Adrianne

First-time-mum Amelia’s Birth

I began having irregular contractions four days before my due date. By the third day, things had ramped up. I was using my tens machine which I found to be FAB! As my contractions became 3 in 10 minutes, I rang the hospital who asked me to come in. 

Once there, I was examined which confirmed I was 1-2cm dilated. I was told to go home and get on my birthing ball. Within 5 minutes of being home, I went to the toilet and lost a blood clot. I remained calm, went back to the hospital where the same midwife told me that I was now 3-4 cm and could make my way to the Birth Centre. The midwife also completed a stretch and sweep and within 5 minutes, my waters broke in an epic movie style way. My husband and I burst out laughing!

At the Birth Centre I was silently breathing through my contractions using the techniques I had learnt. Within another hour I was 4-5cm. At this point, the midwife said that I could now get into the birthing pool and use gas and air. I was in control, calm and composed. I knew exactly what my body was doing, and what was coming next. Three hours passed and I could naturally feel my body pushing. I was examined and told that I was 10cm. 

However, after pushing for 2 hours, my midwife said I needed to go to the labour ward as I may need intervention. This did not spark any fear. I knew what may need to happen and was prepared. Luckily, I did not need any and I welcomed our perfect baby Florence into the world.

TBTBC gave me the tools and knowledge to ensure that I was calm and controlled throughout my birth. My positive mindset due to TBTBC ensured that it didn’t matter that my birth plan changed – I knew that I could handle it. It was such an empowering experience that I will never forget. THANK YOU!!! Honestly, I can’t thank you enough. I’ll be spreading TBTBC knowledge far and wide xx

Should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter Amelia

Kayleigh’s Birth – Elective Caesarean

Thank you, Thank you and Thank you! 

Further to the above message our baby boy arrived 8th March via elective C-section. Even though many things didn’t go as they should have we remained calm throughout. We couldn’t thank you enough for everything. When people say your course is life changing there may not be many that can vouch for this to the extent that I can, without your course conquering my fears Gethin may not have ever been here! 

I began the course before becoming pregnant but after completing the course (a couple of times) and with the support of the WhatsApp ladies my midwives have now taken the details of the course because of how much my mindset was changed. Knowledge is power and oh how the course made me feel so powerful when the time came!

As for The Birth Chapter I’m sure my husband would add extra thank you’s here for such an amazing head start.

Should I do the bump to baby chapter Kayleigh

So I hope that’s answered your question of “should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter Online Course?”. If you want to read more positive birth stories, we have LOADS. Reading positive birth stories is a great way to immerse yourself in all the positives of birth and over-riding some of the negative birth chatter you may have heard over the years.

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    Birth Chapter

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    Baby Chapter

    Help support you & your baby from immediately post birth til your baby’s 6 months old.

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