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Should I have a stretch and sweep?

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If you are 40 weeks pregnant then you may have been offered a stretch and sweep. If you are consultant-led you may be offered one sooner. What actually is a stretch and sweep? Should you have one? Let’s take a look….

What is a Stretch and Sweep

A stretch and sweep is medically known as membrane stripping or a membrane sweep and is used to attempt to induce labour. A stretch and sweep is a more natural way to “kick start” your labour than an induction as it doesn’t involve any medication. They have been shown to reduce the need for a medical induction for 1 in 8 women.

A membrane sweep doesn’t take long and involves a vaginal examination. Your midwife or consultant will aim to get two fingers inside your cervix and make circular sweeping movements. The aim is to release the membranes from the lower part of the uterus, and stimulate the release of prostaglandins, hopefully encouraging labour to begin.

Should I have a stretch and sweep?

This is completely your choice. A stretch and sweep is something that is completely optional. This is a brilliant time to utilise EBRAN to decide if you would like to accept or decline to have one.

Does a stretch and sweep hurt?

Stretch and sweeps can be a uncomfortable, some women do report them as painful. This is a brilliant opportunity to practice your breathing techniques and visualisations. After a stretch and sweep it is really normal to have some of your “bloody show” come away. If successful, labour may start within 24 hours.

How many stretch and sweeps can I have?

From your due date you can have up to 3 stretch and sweeps from your community midwife.

If you are currently hurdling towards your due date, or it has been and gone, take a look at out blog A Lazy Girl Guide to Kickstarting Labour.

What are the chances that a sweep will work?

A stretch and sweep will start labour for 1 in 8 women. Other research found that when comparing groups of women who had a sweep compared to those who did not;  6 out of 10 women went into labour without a sweep compared to 7 out of 10 women went into labour without a sweep.

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