antenatal class cheltenham

  • Preparing your dog for the arrival of a baby

    This article was written by Anna Pollard, Director of The Dog House Leicester. She outlines here preparing your dog for the arrival of a baby.  Dogs and children are a much debated topic of late. I k

    Sit like a queen- Optimum fetal positioning

    Sit like a queen and scrub like a peasant. Have you heard of this and how it supports optimum fetal positioning? Let’s start with Occiput Poster Position (back to back) We have more than likely

    Is pineapple safe to eat in pregnancy?

    When you are pregnant, you may feel overwhelmed by things you can and cannot do in pregnancy. Some of this will be legitimate health advice, some from well-meaning friends and family, and other snippe

    What to expect 40 weeks pregnant

    What to expect at 40 weeks pregnant. What happens during the 40th week of pregnancy? It’s your due date! But did you know that only 4% of babies actually arrive on their due date? So it can feel

    What to expect 39 weeks pregnant

    What to expect at 39 weeks pregnant. What happens during the 39th week of pregnancy? So close!!! SO CLOSE!!  How big is baby at 39 weeks pregnant? Your baby is now as big as a pumpkin! They weigh on

    What to expect 38 weeks pregnant

    What to expect at 38 weeks pregnant. What happens during the 38th week of pregnancy? How big is baby at 38 weeks pregnant? Your baby now weighs about 7 pounds! Baby is now about the size of a rhubarb.
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