antenatal class cheltenham

  • What are the chances I will have another episiotomy?

    If you have had an episiotomy before, what are the chances you will have another episiotomy? What are the chances I will need another episiotomy? Having a previous episiotomy doesn’t mean that y

    Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy

    What is pelvic pain in pregnancy called? Pelvic pain in pregnancy is called Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction (SPD) or Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP). It is where a pregnant woman experiences pain in her pelvic r

    Baby Yoga Cheltenham

    Baby yoga classes in Cheltenham have so many benefits for both you and your baby. The classes are an opportunity to come into The Hubb, which is our safe space for new mums to feel supported and make

    Baby Massage Cheltenham

    Our baby massage classes in Cheltenham have so many benefits for both you and your baby. The classes are an opportunity to come into The Hubb, which is our safe space for new mums to feel supported an

    Baby Classes at The Hubb Cheltenham

    Here are the list of baby classes we have at The Hubb: Monday  Baby Sensory 10.00-11.00, 11.30-12.30, 13.00-14.00. Book through Baby Sensory website. Tuesday  Baby Sensory 10.00-11.00, 11.30-12.30,

    What is a Stretch and Sweep?

    A stretch and sweep is also called a membrane sweep and is a way of trying to naturally start labour. You may have been offered a stretch and sweep, so here is everything you need to know. What is a s