antenatal class cheltenham

  • Katie’s positive birth

    This positive birth story is with Katie and the arrival of baby Jasper. Katie had an induction after her waters broke and had a suction cup to support the delivery of her son.   On the m

    Natalie’s Positive Birth Story

    Positive Birth story ❤️ Our little girl, Naomi-Rae arrived at 16.03.21 8lbs 6ozFTM 41 + 6It has taken me a while to write this, it’s a long one. Birth Plan – Water Birth, G

    Planned Cesarean for Breech – Zoe’s Story

    This positive birth story is from Zoe and how she welcomed her first baby via a planned cesarean for breech. Finding out baby was breech Like a lot of people, I had really had hoped for

    Jade’s Unplanned Cesarean Section

    Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place…. This positive birth story is with Jade and how she welcomed her baby, Lyla, via an unplanned cesarean section.  This

    Becca’s Positive Birth Story

    Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place…. This positive birth story is with Becca. Becca used EBRAN to make informed choices and have a positive experience welcoming her b

    Vic’s Story

    #MeetTheTeam This is Vic…. she is the newest member of TBTBC squad and has been doing lots of behind the scenes bits and bobs. Here is her story ❤️ I thought it was about time I remo
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