antenatal class cheltenham

  • The Cascade of Intervention- Just a Myth.

    The cascade of intervention is a term thrown around in lots of pregnancy classes by lots of natural birth advocates, it means… Having an intervention (an intervention being an induction, an epid

    A Midwives Top 5 Birth Tips

    1. Pelvis and Positions When your baby is in an OPTIMUM position – baby’s head is down in your pelvis and baby’s back is running alongside your abdomen. If you are standing up baby i

    I had big plans…

    I had big plans for this pregnancy with it being my last. I was going to spend my days in flouncy dresses, drinking green juices and doing yoga 3 times a week. But, that was far from the reality. I co

    ‘We were meant to go to Birdland..’

    11th August 2018. My due date and the date my precious boy arrived into the world. I hadn’t slept much because his movements had changed and I was worrying, so at 8am I rang triage who asked me to c

    Suzy’s Cesarean Birth

    So having been told early on in pregnancy that I would need a c section as I had Placenta Previa (placenta blocking cervix) to then be told at 30wks my placenta had moved and you can have a normal del

    Birth at home on the toilet story

    Christelle was planning a smooth, comfortable birth with her baby number 2, a birth at home on the toilet was not how she imagined achieving this. But she did achieve the smooth comfortable birth she
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