
  • How to not expect when you’re expecting.

    When I first found out I was pregnant this time around, I thought to myself that being my last pregnancy I set my sights on being the stereotypical pregnant mama, drinking green juice, eating kale and

    High Risk vs. Low Risk

    Keeping with the pregnancy labels theme I want to know what you all think of the terminology ‘High risk vs low risk’ and have you been labelled one of these in pregnancy? I remember doing my midwi

    Is December the best time to have a baby?

    Why December is the best time to have a baby… Christmas is a crazy busy time for most, with all the food prepping, turkey stuffing, tree decorating and present wrapping there is just no time to

    Pregnancy Labels- Labour Nose

    “Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words can also hurt me. Sticks and stones break only skin, while words are ghosts that haunt me.” Definition: Pregnancy Labels  1. When you are

    Dads… in the Birth room or in the pub?

    Let’s throw it back to the 1950s where only the aristocratic Dads may have made an appearance in the birth room to welcome a son. The majority of Dads would be waiting in the pub for the news of

    The Unexpected Trimester- Nancy’s Early Arrival

    It was a Saturday, I had just come home from my baby shower, and put my eldest 2 children to bed. Although there was copious amounts of yummy food at the baby shower, being a glutenous pregnant woman
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