
  • Jamie’s Hypnobirth “I reached 10cm dilation with just co-codamol.”

    Like most Mums to be, the thought of giving birth made me feel anxious. However, in equal parts, I felt strongly that my body would know what to do. I felt it was important to focus on the positive fe

    How exercise taught me to get through childbirth

    “You can do this, keep pushing on. You’ve been through childbirth.” This is the mantra I repeated in my head over and over again when I pushed my body to its physical limits climbing three of th

    “My body knew exactly what it was doing and I remember thinking, ‘my body can do this. I was built to do this’.” Danni’s Birth Story.

    In 1982 my mother gave birth to me with the assistance of hypnobirthing. She told me the birth experience was beautiful and she was in control throughout. 30 years later, I was in labour with my first

    Ruth’s Birth Story

    I had been very apprehensive about this, my 3rd birth. After experiencing two very different, but equally long and difficult, births I wanted my final birthing experience to be…well amazing. I won

    What They Don’t Tell You at Antenatal – Competition to Win a Tiba and Marl Changing Bag

    And the winner is….   Breastfeeding. Seriously the hardest thing I have ever done. After your body pops out a baby, it then has to deal with nip pain. Like serious nip pain. I had mastitis

    Welcome to the Club with Mothercare

            Mothercare hosts Welcome to The Club events for expectant parents   – Featuring interactive talks on pregnancy and maternity style led by top parenting expert
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