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The Birth of Buddy Middleton
After keeping everyone on their toes and arriving 10 days late, Buddy wasn’t hanging around when he finally decided he was on his way! By this point, I’d tried everything. And I mean ECreating An Ideal Birth Environment
Your birth environment – why is it so important? And what can we do when creating an ideal birth environment? Have you ever noticed how much you act from your environmental cues? Your Mum popsThings To Celebrate From 2019
2019 was my third year doing The Bump to Baby Chapter and it was a wild one. Wild like in this above photo wild, surviving the nights, managing 2 young children at home, writing blogs and schedulingWhat we can learn from the 3 Wise Men about visitors after having a baby
Managing visitors after having a baby… Christmas is a time for lots of family and friends to visit. Having a baby brings even more reasons for visitors as everyone wants to meet your neSarah’s Birth Story with Baby Bea
I’d like to start with how truly terrified I was. I couldn’t quite wrap my head around how my baby was going to come out.. from there! You know? Even after my husband and I attended The Bump to B