can’t get to hospital

  • Birth story – Jo & baby Tomos

    ??Positive Birth Story??(sorry – it seems really long!) Hi everyone, please welcome Tomos Macsen Fall to the world ? He arrived last Saturday 12.09.20 at 3.28pm – a healthy 8lb 2.5oz a

    Lyndsey’s Birth Story – Homebirth, thin mec

    When I found out I was pregnant for the second time around I instantly thought about birth, and how I could avoid the same kind of birth experience (I won’t delve into it but it was traumatic a

    Abi’s Birth Story

    My husband and I started The Bump to Baby Chapter online course when I reached the third trimester. The course was fantastic and really helped us to feel knowledgable and informed about labour and b

    Positive Cesarean Birth – Emma’s Story

    Emma Litchfield Birth Story – Unplanned ‘elective C – Section’ -Hector Andrew Litchfield   I just want to start this Birth Story by letting you know that you can have a positi

    Kimberley’s Positive Birth Story

    I would like you all to meet my little Oliver, who arrived 6 days late, today at 11.41am! He is 8lbs 6oz and 53cm long! I definitely did not have the labour I thought I would- quite the opposite

    Baby’s Movements; what should I do if I have reduced movement?

    Feeling your baby move is a sign they are well. When a baby is moving less it, it may indicate something is wrong and they are unwell. Always call your local triage (number on the front of your mate
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