can’t get to hospital

  • That look of love- International Day of The Midwife 2019

    Arguably one of the best jobs in the world, sitting here now I actually can’t think of a single job that would give the same tear-jerking moments, the adrenaline rushes and the relationshi


    Visualisation I’m a big believer in that what you think about most you are more likely to get. Jim Carey famously did this to achieve greatness. When new to his career he wrote himself a cheque out

    The Lazy Girl Guide to Kick Starting Labour

    Natural ways of inducing labour What can I do to start inducing labour. I started writing this blog at 38 weeks pregnant. Sooo pregnant that this baby needs to be born soon, but far too pregnant to ge

    The Sisterhood In Motherhood

    Your mum squad. Your sisterhood in motherhood. Your tribe. Your village. Your 3am crew. Being lonely was the one thing I worried about in pregnancy. One of my friends had told me it was the loneliest

    My Bump to Baby Chapter

    So you know how over here we like to keep it social both on and off line… We love to see how much fun you have at antenatal classes and with your group after. We also love keeping tabs on your s

    Welcoming baby Delphi- My Positive Birth Story with pictures

    This positive birth story with pictures is with Beth, midwife & founder of the Bump to Baby Chapter. This was baby number 4 and Beth's first pregnancy with gestational diabetes
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