
  • Top 5 tips for preparing for twins

    This post was written by Dr. Justine Davenport, a Clinical Psychologist in the NHS and also The Baby Chapter course contributor. Justine talks here about her journey preparing for the arrival of her t

    Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)

    If you have previously had a caesarean birth you will have appointments with an obstetrician during your pregnancy, usually at 16 weeks and again at 36 weeks to discuss your birth options. You me be w

    What will my pregnancy look like after IVF?

    If you are pregnant after IVF (firstly, a big congratulations) then you may be wondering what your pregnant will look like. Here obstetrician Victoria Medland explores what your may pregnancy look lik

    Should I have a stretch and sweep?

    If you are 40 weeks pregnant then you may have been offered a stretch and sweep. If you are consultant-led you may be offered one sooner. What actually is a stretch and sweep? Should you have one? Let

    Preparing your dog for the arrival of a baby

    This article was written by Anna Pollard, Director of The Dog House Leicester. She outlines here preparing your dog for the arrival of a baby.  Dogs and children are a much debated topic of late. I k

    Sit like a queen- Optimum fetal positioning

    Sit like a queen and scrub like a peasant. Have you heard of this and how it supports optimum fetal positioning? Let’s start with Occiput Poster Position (back to back) We have more than likely
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