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  • Hollie de Cruz a.k.a The Yes Mum mum

    I interviewed Hollie De Cruz, AKA The Yes Mum all about her experience and opinions of hypnobirthing. Hollie de Cruz is the Founder of Here/Hear and the creator of Yes Mum Cards – now rebranded

    Safe Sleeping… Top Tips

    Safe sleeping – how can you keep baby safer whilst they snooze? They say that many moons ago you would put your baby to sleep in what ever you had available, be that a drawer, an empty cardboard

    5 Top Tips for those Early Days with a Baby

    The first few days with a new baby can be a steep learning curve. Here are my 5 top tips for those early days with a baby… 1. Baby led feeding Scrap any type of feeding routine, you can not over

    Too posh to push… you decide

    Too posh to push is a phrase we hear from time to time. I just roll my eyes now because the anger it filled me with wasn’t good for my blood pressure! This birth story is a great one when we hea

    1, 2, 3, 4….We like our pelvic floor!!!

    Your pelvic floor after a baby. Many women report pee incidents after a baby and whilst this is common, IT IS NOT NORMAL. And it is often NOT something you just have to live with. This blog was writt

    9 highs and lows of breastfeeding

    Some highs and some lows of things you may now have known about breastfeeding… Leaky boobs A friend once said to me that the first time we met I had a big wet patch on my boob. We are still frie