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Can I birth on a midwife led unit with raised BMI?
BMI – Place of birth & Induction of labour NICE recommendations say that women with a booking BMI greater than 35 have planned labour and birth in an obstetric unit/ consultant led unKatherine’s Positive Birth
Positive Birth Story at 38wks +3 First Time Mum, Homebirth, Forceps Tues 22nd Dec I had some tightening feelings in my tummy, along with some constipation and backache. I didn’tSophie’s unplanned cesarean birth
Sophie hoped to have a water birth, but following a long induction process opted for a cesarean section and was still able to have a calm experience whilst welcoming her baby into the world.Naomi’s positive induction
Love reading positive birth stories? You’re in the right place! This positive birth story is from Naomi. Naomi planned a homebirth, but upon hitting 42 weeks gestation she accepted a balloon inductJoycelyn’s Positive Birth Story – a quick hospital VBAC
This positive birth story details Joycelyn's positive VBAC experience.