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My Bump to Baby Chapter
So you know how over here we like to keep it social both on and off line… We love to see how much fun you have at antenatal classes and with your group after. We also love keeping tabs on your sWelcoming baby Delphi- My Positive Birth Story with pictures
This positive birth story with pictures is with Beth, midwife & founder of the Bump to Baby Chapter. This was baby number 4 and Beth's first pregnancy with gestational diabetesHow to not expect when you’re expecting.
When I first found out I was pregnant this time around, I thought to myself that being my last pregnancy I set my sights on being the stereotypical pregnant mama, drinking green juice, eating kale andHigh Risk vs. Low Risk
Keeping with the pregnancy labels theme I want to know what you all think of the terminology ‘High risk vs low risk’ and have you been labelled one of these in pregnancy? I remember doing my midwiIs December the best time to have a baby?
Why December is the best time to have a baby… Christmas is a crazy busy time for most, with all the food prepping, turkey stuffing, tree decorating and present wrapping there is just no time to