
  • Snowed in in labour

    I’m sitting here looking outside to the blizzard that surrounds my house. With the trouble that many of the midwives are having getting into hospital to work it makes you think what about the la

    What I HATE about Hypnobirthing

    One thing I HATE about Hypnobirthing. “My body is made to give birth, naturally”   “My body is built to give birth”   “I trust my body and its ability to give birth.”   “M

    Breastfeeding – it’s a suckers’ game!

    For the purposes of this mini-piece, I have tried to imagine that I am a bearded, 5’9”, slightly-introverted, new father. I will be channelling my husband and trying to see the last 11 weeks of ou

    Hypnobirthing Caesarean Ellie’s Birth

    Ellie used hypnobirthing in her pregnancy for preparation for her VBAC and used hypnobirthing for her caesarean birth. My First Baby Two and a bit years ago I was bouncing on my birthing ball watching

    Shani’s Birth Story

    I suppose my birth story starts about 3 weeks before when I attended The Bump To Baby Chapter Hypnobirthing class. I remember saying to Beth, “I’ve only got 3 weeks left and I haven’

    What did Hypnobirthing ever do for us?

    What did Hypnobirthing ever do for us? Channeling the sentiment of Monty Python, I am left thinking about exactly what we did gain from our Hypnobirthing course. I’ve read lots of blogs and testimon
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