
  • Amy’s Category 2 Caesarean Section Birth Story

    Amy had a Category 2 Caesarean Section. Caesarean Sections are categorised into four categories ranging from 1-4. A category 2 caesarean section is defined by the NICE Guidelines as: -Maternal or feta

    Caroline’s Unplanned Home Birth

    Giving birth completely alone (unintentionally) on your bathroom floor to many may sound like a nightmare. A birth horror story if you like. This birth became Caroline’s reality when she unexpec

    Obstetric Cholestasis Birth Story

    This birth story is Amy and her second baby. Amy was diagnosed with Obstetric Cholestasis and chose an induction. Amy used EBRAN to make informed choices and had a positive birth.  My First Birth I

    Should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter or…?

    Should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter or … ? Why choose The Bump to Baby Chapter over other antenatal classes and hypnobirthing? Knowing that a baby poops black you can get at any old antenatal c

    Baby Shower Venue Cheltenham

    The Bump to Baby Hubb is an amazing baby shower venue in Cheltenham. The Hubb is a multi functional space for pregnant women, new parents and their families running pregnancy classes and baby classes

    Throwing a Baby Shower in Cheltenham

    If you are planning on throwing a baby shower in Cheltenham, I got you. Here is a list of all my favourite businesses in and around Cheltenham to help you with your baby shower. 1. Venue Let’s s
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