
  • How successful is an ECV (external cephaloversion)?

    If you have been told your baby is in breech position, you have likely been offered an ECV. You may have lots of questions about this procedure. Incredible Obstetrician Victoria Medland here explores

    What is a breech baby?

    Have you recently been told that your baby is currently breech? Our resident Obstetrician, Victoria explores what is breech, and also outlines your options for birth. What is a breech baby? Breech is

    Breathing techniques for labour

    Want to learn some breathing techniques for labour? Breathing can be used as a coping technique in labour. Especially if you learn how to do it effectively. Here at The Bump to Baby Chapter we encoura

    First Baby Birth Story

    Emma’s First Baby Birth Story This is the first baby birth story of Emma. She had her induction booked in for post dates but went into labour the night before. She had a quick birth, especially

    Why forceps births are so high for a first time Mum?

    First time Mums giving birth have a 1 in 3 chance of having a forceps or ventouse birth. Read why forceps births are so high for a first time Mum and what you can do to reduce it from happening. What

    Elisabete’s Positive Induction

    Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place…. This positive induction story is with Elisabete and the arrival of baby Emily. Elisabete opted for an induction as her baby was mea
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