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A review for The Bump to Baby Chapter Course; Holly’s Birth
Holly purchased the course whilst she was expecting baby number four. Holly had an empowering birth and sent us this lovely review for The Bump to Baby Chapter Course. I had 3 previous labours where IWhat is a TENS for labour?
What is a TENS machine? TENS for labour, what is it? It’s fancy full name is Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. It provides pain relief in the form of electrical impulses
What to expect 30 weeks pregnant?
What to expect at 30 weeks pregnant. What happens during the 30th week of pregnancy? How big is baby at 30 weeks pregnant? At week 30 your baby weighs an average of 1.4kg and is about the size of a buWhat to expect 29 weeks pregnant?
What to expect 29 weeks pregnant. What happens during the 29th week of pregnancy? With last week being a bit of a milestone in pregnancy, what with it marking the start of the 3rd trimester and also tLeah’s Story; Feeling Prepared for a Forceps Birth
Love reading positive birth stories, you’re in the right place…. This positive birth story is with first time mum Leah. Leah felt anxious about birth and wanted to educate herself to help her