
  • Fallon’s Birth Story

    Elective C-section for a first time mum – My baby was breech and as a full time mum the word ‘breech’ was incredibly scary and unknown, in fact I cried my eyes out when the sonographer told

    This baby of mine so small and new knows nothing more than me.

    Her whole face lights up when she looks in my eyes, like my eyes are the best thing she’s ever seen. When she hears my voice, even when it’s just a whisper, she stops to hear me. And even though s

    Antenatal Weekend

    This is a brand spanking new ANTENATAL WEEKEND that TBTBC Midwife team are offering to expectant couples of the Cotswolds and beyond. It’s a jam-packed weekend filled to the brim to totally prep

    Born En Caul

    This baby here was born ‘en caul’ which means that the baby was born still in its amniotic sac. This is a fascinating photo and a fascinating (and rare) type of birth for the birth nerds amongst u

    Birth Matters – “I checked in on myself and thought of myself in my elderly years and knew that the captures of one (of four) of the greatest moments of my life would be far greater than any judgement.”

    One thing I do quite regularly to check in on myself is think in years to come … what will I look back on this time and think of. On the more morbid days I think on my death bed, what will flash

    Manage your expectations and not your baby

    THE most challenging thing that I find as a parent are the expectations. Every new mother expects the “feeds every 3-4 hours, long napping, 12 hour night time sleeping, loves the tummy time, happy i
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