The Birth Chapter
An Antenatal, Hypnobirthing & Biomechanics online course. Made by a midwife, for you.
£39 (one-off cost)
Lifetime Access
Over 40 videos & resources
Feel in control
Why do
The Birth Chapter
You want to feel calm & confident during your baby's birth, but you can’t seem to get away from hearing about the negative birth stories that have left you feeling overwhelmed and apprehensive. Maybe your previous experiences of birth has left you feeling nervous during this pregnancy.
Designed by a midwife...
Designed by Beth, a midwife and mother of 4, to include both antenatal education, hypnobirthing and biomechanics. Being a midwife, she knows what pregnant women need to be know for birth; Antenatal education, hypnobirthing and biomechanics. You can't have one without the other to be fully prepared for birth. Knowledge is power.
Unlike the majority of birth prep courses, this course content and delivery is created and given to you by a qualified midwife, who is trained in hypnobirthing as a bonus.
Chat with other mamas in our online village (Private FB group). Regular Q&As from experts to guide you through your Birth Chapter. *Emails welcomed from non FB/Instagram users.
The online courses are priced low (and are yours to keep forever) as everyone deserves a great birth.
Birth Ready
Antenatal education & hypnobirthing, to get you focussed and prepared for your birth, in ALL birth situations.
A Sneaky Peak
Click the video to see inside the antenatal & hypnobirthing online course.
What you’ll get for £39:
- Hypnobirthing
- Antenatal Education
- Biomechanics positions for pregnancy and birth to avoid a back to back baby
- 40+ videos
- Preparation checklists
- Hospital bag checklists & downloadable birth plan
- Relaxation audios to download
- Breathing techniques for different stages of labour
- Knowledge on labour, inductions & caesareans
- Videos with an obstetrician covering topics such as VBAC, diabetes, pre eclampsia, pregnancy through IVF, pregnancy over 40, previous 3rd degree tear, large baby, small baby etc.
- And lots more
View and buy access to the Hypnobirthing Online Course for £39 or 2x payments of £20.
Start Labour Naturally
How to help baby come without an induction and also how to embrace inductions when they are necessary. How to make inductions a part of your great birth.
Smoother Birth
How to decide if interventions are necessary. How to avoid the unnecessary ones and how to make sure that you feel in control at all times.
Shorten Labour
You’ll be able to do things to increase your chances of a shorter labour and have the techniques to see you through a labour that might be lasting longer.
The Stages Of Labour
What to expect at each stage of labour including when to go to hospital and when to call your midwife for a home birth, right up to the options of how deliver your placenta.
Coping With Contractions
You’ll be able to understand more about contractions and have techniques to use at home, in the car or in the hospital so that you’ll be welcoming your contractions when they come.
Calm Caesarean Birth
How to make sure that you feel calm throughout, what to expect and ways to help recovery.
Should I Do This Course?
Anytime... seriously, anytime.
As a rough guide if you start between 20 & 24 weeks then it means you have enough time to complete all the course, practice the techniques and then refer back to it as you feel necessary towards the end of your pregnancy.
You can actually do the whole course in an afternoon if you binge watch it. The whole course can be completed in about 4 hours. But if you are feeling nervous about your birth now, why wait? You can start to feel more prepared and excited for your birth as soon as you start.
Women have done the course as late as over due date and still called it a game changer for their birth.
Women have started as early as in the first trimester (some start before they are pregnant) as they feel like they would prefer to be prepared and less anxious earlier on in their pregnancy journey. The course is yours to keep forever.
Should I Prepare For Birth
You want to do birth preparation because....
- You don't just want to "grit your teeth and get through it". You want to look back on the first time you meet your baby as a moment to remember.
- You want to know what you can do in pregnancy to reduce anxieties and prepare for birth.
- You want to stack the odds in your favour to get the birth you want.
- You want to know how to make choices in your pregnancy and birth.
- You want a toolbox of techniques to set you up for both contractions, but also to keep calm in all birth situations.
You want to have a positive birth experience because....
- You know that having a positive birth experience will help you emotionally during your post natal time.
- It will help you to bond with your baby.
- It will help with breastfeeding, if that's your chosen method of feeding.
- You want to meet your baby, one of most magical times of your life, free from trauma and anxiety.
The Birth Chapter
Course Graduate Reviews

Thank you to Bump to baby chapter for all the knowledge & amazing techniques I used throughout my labour. I truly believe it helped me through. I had such an amazing birthing experience & I enjoyed every minute even if it wasn’t the birth I had hoped for. 🤍

I can’t praise this course enough. Thankyou Beth for completely changing my mindset on labour. Giving me the opportunity to believe in myself and my body that I knew what to do. It gave me such a positive birthing experience. I feel now I can achieve anything!

I can’t believe how different my birth experience was this time round. I keep crying (most likely hormone induced) because I just can’t get over how positive I feel it went! After my first I was always really skeptical of women who said they had ‘good births’ but wow!

I honestly believe that the months of listening to affirmations, watching the videos and being armed with knowledge, and focussing on breathing and relaxation got me into the headspace for a calm and positive birth.

Firstly I want to thank the FB group! Without the kind words and fantastic advice of some of the members and fantastic course content from Beth, my pregnancy would've been less well informed and much more lonely! So thank you!
Katherine Walsh
The Bump to Baby Chapter is like having a very knowledgeable midwife as your friend! I love how Beth is open and honest about birth. The videos have given us a great insight into all different kinds of birth. Actual statistics and science rather than old wives tales and hearsay

Everything Beth has said in her videos we truly believe was the reason for such a short amazing positive birth. I can’t thank this course enough.
Jessica J
Fantastic course, I can't believe this isn't offered to both parents by the nhs as part of the normal package it feels so essential to know. It gave me knowledge about how my body worked and why things happened. I can't believe this isn't offered to both parents by the nhs

It really helped me stay strong.
Without this course there is no way I would have been able to adapt my birthing plan and have my surgery so calmly. It really helped me stay strong and have the best positivity going.
This course was the most valuable thing I did to prepare for birth and I am so so SO grateful for it. The most valuable thing I did to prepare for birth
Hayley Midwinter
The Bump to baby chapter is amazing! I struggled to get onto an NCT course whilst pregnant during lockdown as they were all full. It totally exceeded my expectations.

Thanks bump to baby, best money I ever spent!

I just wanted to thank you so much for providing such brilliant advice and information for pregnancy and to get prepared for giving birth. I really feel it hugely contributed to the amazing birth experience we had.

I have such great memories of his birth and love telling the story! I am grateful for all the things I learnt on this course. It gave me the positive mindset to remain calm and enjoy my labour.
Beth Kitt
Hi I’m Beth! I’m a midwife in the UK, mother of 4 and all round birth nerd.
I started The Bump to Baby Chapter, with the aim of fully preparing Mums-to-be to have a calm birth in ALL birth situations. Hypnobirthing has been a great influence on how women give birth, but there's a gap for those women who need more input in their births. Whether that be an induction or an emergency caesarean. I wanted these women to have great birth experiences too. Not many hypnobirthing teachers or antenatal educators are midwives, and I wanted to bridge the gap between what birth is like in the textbooks and actual practical tips that I have learnt along the way, that can make your birth better.
The antenatal & hypnobirthing online course is for you if you're having a home birth. It's also for you if you have a consultant in your pregnancy and you know you may have more "limits" on your birth.
I truly believe that having the right information lets mothers and their birth partners know exactly what they can do to have a great birth and step into motherhood the right way.
Asked Questions
Is this course right for me?
This hypnobirthing and antenatal course is right for you if you have a uterus with a baby in it and you’d like to feel good about the birth. If you’re a first time, second time… 5th time mama then you would benefit from this course. This course is suitable for those who have a "high risk" pregnancy, if you're under a consultant, if you are planning a home birth, midwife led birth or hospital birth. It's for you if you're having an elective/booked cesarean. It's for you if you're planning to have no drugs to an epidural.
You can start the course anytime from your first trimester to 42 weeks pregnant (ideally the sooner the better).
Why should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter hypnobirthing course over other online Hypnobirthing courses ?
The hypnobirthing and antenatal course is led by a UK midwife, meaning that the information is current, realistic and relevant. We do a 3 year degree to become a midwife in the UK and have done a UK hypnobirthing course on top of this. Most hypnobirthing teachers aren’t midwives, which means that from us at The Bump to Baby Chapter, you get the wealth of our knowledge about birth that comes from being with birthing women all the time.
Those who do our course always shout about their births from the rooftops.
You get access to our Facebook The Bump to Baby Chapter Online Group.
You get to feel excited about your birth and fully prepared in the lead up. And if you don’t.. you get your money back!
Is there an online support group?
Yes, you can join our exclusive Facebook group, where you can e-meet other pregnant women, read birth stories and share experiences. Women in the group have also made WhatsApp groups too for their due month.
How do I use the course?
You’ll get lifetime access to our online courses, so you can watch the videos all in one go, split them over a few days or weeks, and revisit them as many times as you need. You can watch on any device, from your smartphone to Smart TV. You can also listen to the videos like a podcast, rather than watch if you prefer.
Who can do this course?
This online course is suitable for for all expectant parents, including those expecting more than one baby, those who have already had a baby, high risk mothers to be, and parents who don’t yet know about hypnobirthing.
Why is the course only £39?
From my experience of working on a delivery suite, I know how Hypnobirthing can make all the difference to your birth experience. I wanted to make a positive birth accessible to all women. Which is why I have priced the course at the insanely low £39. The content and community is easily worth 10x this but you can get it all for just £39 (yes, really!) You also have the option now to split your payments and pay 2 x £20.
Should I do this online course as well as in person antenatal classes (either NHS, private ones or The Bump to Baby Chapter group classes)?
Many of the topics covered in this course won't be covered in antenatal classes. We are very fortunate with the setup of the online course as it means that we can put in lots of relevant information without the time limits that group antenatal classes hold.
Plus, you get to keep this course with you forever, so as you get closer to your due date you can use this online course to refer back to as many times as you need. Group antenatal classes can sometimes be hard to digest because of information overload. Having this course too means that you can digest the information over as much time as you need. The course is yours forever.
I am not from the UK, can I still do the course?
Even though this course has been made in the UK, it can be accessible worldwide. How women birth is also the same across the globe, so the techniques you can use anywhere in the world. Your pain relief options, or induction of labour policies may differ from hospital to hospital, country to country so always check with your midwife what you have available local to you.
Do you offer refunds?
If you don't feel like this course is right for you then send us an email ( within 30 days asking for a refund then we will process your refund straight away.
Still need a little convincing that a hypnobirthing course online is for you? Check out our blog on What is Hypnobirthing.