Vic’s Story
#MeetTheTeam This is Vic…. she is the newest member of TBTBC squad and has been doing lots of behind the scenes bits and bobs. Here is her story ❤️

I thought it was about time I removed my head from the sand and came to say hello!
My name is Vic and for the last 8 weeks I have had the pleasure of working with this amazing business (and Beth) behind the scenes.
And I’ll tell you why I took the job…
Late in 2019 I reluctantly took this course thinking it probably wasn’t going to be for me! I thought, F*ck it… it’s only £34, I’d actually spent more on a (totally useless) decorative teepee for my unborn baby!
As I started bingeing the videos I realised that it was not AT ALL what I was expecting.
I thought there would definitely be guided meditation, I was almost certain the woman doing the course would be smoking crack and wearing a poncho, but I couldn’t have been more wrong, I had absolutely no idea just how valuable I would find this course.
At 34 weeks my waters broke (in Homesense of all places!) but I wasn’t afraid, not even a little bit. I felt ready, excited and totally at ease with what was happening to my body.
After a little wait, I delivered at 36weeks in 1hour 11mins and it was the most incredible experience of my life. And not a tear in sight… knowledge really is power!
Now, maybe it’s coincidence, or maybe that was actually the best £34 I had ever spent?! Who knows. But what I do know is, that I was lucky enough to fall pregnant in July 2020 and my first port of call was my Bump to Baby Chapter login!
⚠️Sensitive content ⚠️
The scans I had at 10 and 12 weeks had me super pumped to embark on this “two under two” journey. We were very excited and felt overjoyed at our happy plans ahead.
However, on 30th October 2020 at a private gender screening, we were delivered the shattering news of our baby’s death.
At 16 weeks and 3 days my world stopped as I saw my lifeless baby on the screen. That’s it, we were part of that life altering 1 in 4 statistic and victims of a rare late, missed miscarriage.
I’ll cut to the chase.
After this day and many harrowing ones that followed, I decided that I wanted to make a difference. It was cathartic to go over and over this ground, it was like therapy and helping people made me so happy.
Call it fate or whatever, but Beth was looking for some help growing this amazing business and I had what she needed skill wise, it was the perfect storm.
I’ll fill you in with more about what I actually do in the next update and a bit more about my birth experiences delivering my (almost) term baby in an hour!
But for now, I just want you to know that if you’re on the fence… don’t buy that crappy teepee, take the course! It will be the best £34 you’ve ever spent. I promise ??
Wishing you all a wonderful day ❤️
Love as always
Vic xx