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What I HATE about Hypnobirthing

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One thing I HATE about Hypnobirthing.

“My body is made to give birth, naturally”
“My body is built to give birth”
“I trust my body and its ability to give birth.”
“My body is designed to grow a baby”
“My baby will arrive when the time is right”

All sounds pretty ideal, right? But what happens when this is not the case?

If you, or your baby for whatever reason needs to be born through cesarean. I wouldn’t call that natural. Normal, yes but not natural.
What happens to the many women who have had recurrent miscarriages? Are these women going to be able to “trust” their bodies.
If you have been advised an induction, are all your other useful birth affirmations about strength in labour going to go out the window?

Me saying there’s something I hate about hypnobirthing is pretty ironic, right?

These quotes alongside many others are what I find myself reading in my teachers guide to hypnobirthing and it grates on me big time. That I, as a midwife and hypnobirthing teacher are inadvertently setting these “goals” for mothers knowing that…
25% of women in the UK have a cesarean and 12% have an instrumental delivery. What if that 1 woman in 4 who has a cesarean has done hypnobirthing and told herself for the past 9 months  (or at least the 3-4 months prior) that “her body was built to give birth”. Not quite aligned with the affirmations that have been rehearsed.


28% of births in the UK start from induction. That means that nearly a third of all woman who have been advised an induction have been telling themselves, ‘my baby will arrive when the time is right.’  Does that mean now that this woman doesn’t feel like she’s hypnobirthing because her affirmations aren’t aligning with what is? We are setting women up for feelings of guilt or failings and their motherhood journey is only just beginning.
So why is it that in pregnancy and birth – a time or journey where we can not always plan exactly how it is going to go- we use affirmations that attempt to predict a result?

This right here is WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!

There are many areas of life where affirmations can be really useful, such as smoking and weight loss. Only in these situations it is perfecly possible to make ‘perfect scenario’ affirmations, as you, as an individual are 100% accountable for the result. Whereas this isn’t the case in pregnancy. Perhaps, the reason why such unrealistic affirmations as ‘my body was born to do this’ exist is because it has evolved from the same concept of affirmations used for controllable things like weight loss and smoking. To use this in childbirth??? It just ain’t the same. This is the element that I hate about hypnobirthing I feel a good old brush and polish up of the birth affirmations are in order to embrace the unique and wonderful challenges childbirth involves. To make hypnobirthing what it is supposed to be; something that empowers you to boss your birth your way.

The Importance of Mindset

If you read any good business book, have been to any inspirational speakers or had a go at mindfulness you may have noticed something they all have in common is MINDSET.. Instead of preaching how to get the results you want, they inspire how to be the best version of yourself. Wake up. Get up. Show up. Imagine the person you want to be and tell yourself you are that person every freaking day of you life.
So if we apply this to birth affirmations instead, look at the POWER that we can give to women. Imagine giving birth, regardless of birth and feeling like an absolute boss because your mindset was set to birth positive. Wake up everyday and say to yourself that YOU CAN DO THIS. Your birth journey- you can bloody do it and enjoy it and feel awesome about it. Whether baby comes from your vagina or cesarean YOU were calm through the process, you felt positive, made choices, in control.
Set your mindset to feel positive about birth as how you FEEL is totally and will always be in your reach and control…

My Top Affirmations for birth

  • I will birth without fear
  • I make informed decisions
  • I feel in control
  • I feel positive when birthing my baby
  • I do what is right for myself and my baby
  • I am strong
  • I feel confident about birthing my baby
Switch your mindset to feel the best about birth and then throw any affirmation that resembles a result in the bin. If you feel like this, you are more likely to have a birth without intervention anyway. And if you do need intervention, you’re going to be feeling so confident and calm that you are going to OWN that CHOICE anyway.
Are you curious about how to use Birth Affirmations in pregnancy?  I got you mama, I just so happen to have written all about it here! See you over there to learn how to be your biggest cheerleader when it comes to bossing your birth. 
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