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What to expect 31 weeks pregnant?

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What to expect 31 weeks pregnant. What happens during the 31st week of pregnancy?

How big is baby at 31 weeks pregnant?

At 31 weeks, your baby is about the size of a long asparagus. They are weighing in at around 3lb3oz and are around 41cm.

What is baby learning at 31 weeks pregnant?

Your baby’s brain is continuing to grow super fast. This week they are learning to use their senses. They can now track light and sound, and will be starting to respond to all of their 5 senses.

You may begin to notice your baby’s sleep cycle. Your baby will have noticeable periods where they are sleeping. They will be consolidating all that brain growth and learning they are currently doing! It is now really normal for them to have periods of sleep and periods of movement, and you will likely be noticing this.

Important foods for the third trimester

Because of all of this growth your baby is doing, it is really important to have a diet rich in omega 3 during the third trimester. Omega 3 is a brilliant brain food! You can get omega 3 from the following foods:

Chia Seeds
Leafy Greens

What to expect 31 weeks pregnant- My body?

Your body during the third trimester is likely feeling super tired. Not only do you have the extra hormones in your body but you are also physically carrying more. You’ve got the weight of baby, the weight of the extra waters and the weight of your placenta. Growing a baby requires so much energy from your body! Also think about the extra brain power you are currently needing; to-do lists, baby names, preparing for birth, making birth choices, thinking about what your baby is going to need. Having all of that mental load can also make you feel extra tired.

Doing some things to slow your days down can help with your energy levels. Have a chat with your partner and see what they can do to reduce your responsibilities. It is really important you are given some time to relax and rejuvenate some of that energy lost from growing a baby.

31 Week Midwife appointment

This week you will likely have a midwife appointment. In this appointment your midwife will measure your bump, dip your urine, take your blood pressure, listen to your baby’s heart beat, and speak to you about baby’s movements. Midwife appointments are a really good opportunity to go through anything that may be on your mind. This can help relieve some of the mental load you have going on. Use a notebook, or notes on your phone, and jot things down during the week that you may wish to bring up with your midwife.

Watch the full video of  31 weeks pregnant with midwife, Beth.

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