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What to expect 38 weeks pregnant

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What to expect at 38 weeks pregnant. What happens during the 38th week of pregnancy?

How big is baby at 38 weeks pregnant?

Your baby now weighs about 7 pounds! Baby is now about the size of a rhubarb.

What is baby doing at 38 weeks?

Your baby is fully ready to be born now – you have been full term for a whole week now. Your baby is still doing some last minute prep though! One thing they are doing is absorbing and shedding their vernix. Vernix is the cheesy waxxy coating that has been protecting them from the surrounding water. Your baby is also still building their surfactant. Surfactant is made up of primarily fatty acid components, carbohydrates, and proteins that “coat” the lungs and allow them to work properly. If it was thought that you might be going into labour early then you may have been given steroids to help build your baby’s surfactant earlier. Around 38 weeks they are still building this up ready for when they take their first breath.

Midwife appointment at 38 weeks

This week you will have a midwife appointment. She will continue to do all the usual checks; taking your blood pressure, dipping your urine, and chatting with you about baby’s movements. It is really important that your baby is still moving regularly and following their movement pattern. Remember that it is a myth that babies stop moving as much when you get closer to your due date; they do not run out of room! Your baby should always be moving. Reduced movements always need to be looked into so always contact your maternity triage (the number is usually on the front of your notes).

If you are under consultant led care then you and your consultant may have decided for you to have stretch and sweeps early. At this midwife appointment your midwife may discuss you having this if you want it.


Birth Preparations you can do this week

This week we really recommend making sure you are fully ready to go. Baby could arrive any day now! Some things to make sure you have ready are:

  • Hospital Bag – fully packed and ready to go!
  • Hospital Notes – kept in a place ready to grab when you go into labour.
  • Tens Machine – if you are using one (buying or renting), make sure you have it at home and waiting.
  • Birth Pool if you are having a home birth.

Everything should now be all set to go! It is now just a waiting game for when baby is going to make their appearance.

Should I wax before going into labour?

One thing we get asked regularly as midwives is the question of whether to wax or not to wax. This is a really personal choice. Some women like to wax as it helps make them feel more comfortable. I do want you to consider some things though. Firstly we as midwives really do not care. Secondly, think how much extra blood flow you have in that area close to your due date. Because of this, a wax can be painful at this point. Also consider the re-growth. If you have re-growth happening after you’ve had your baby and you maybe have stitches too it can be uncomfortable. Ultimately, it is your decision and as midwives we really do not mind.

What other preparation can I do at 38 weeks pregnant?

Now would also be a really good time to have a chat with your partner about expectations for when baby is here. For example, how will you manage the nights. Will your partner help with the night feeds? Will they help at a certain time in the morning soyou can have an extra bit of time in bed? These are discussions that can be really hekpful to have

Watch the full video of  38 weeks pregnant with midwife, Beth.

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