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When should I start Hypnobirthing? And other FAQs.

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When should I start hypnobirthing?

You can start hypnobirthing at any point in your pregnancy. Online hypnobirthing courses you can do at any point in your pregnancy as you get access to them forever (or at least you do here at The Bump to Baby Chapter). If you wanted to do an in person course, you may want to do this in your second trimester. This is an ideal time because you have plenty of time to practise the techniques but also it is fresh enough in your mind for when you give birth.

What Hypnobirthing should I do?

There are many different brands of hypnobirthing. To include KG Hypnobirthing and The Positive Birth Company and obviously us over here at The Bump to Baby Chapter. There is lots of choice with how you choose to learn about hypnobirthing too, from in person classes, online hypnobirthing courses and also hypnobirthing books. There’s a couple of things to consider about which company you choose. Firstly, take a look at their social media channels.  This will give you a good feel of what their ethos and values are as a company. Another thing to consider is who is giving you the information. You don’t need to be a midwife to be a hypnobirthing teacher. But, having a midwife doing your hypnobirthing may be more reassuring and realistic for you. Read 5 ways to decide on what hypnobirthing should I do?

Should I do hypnobirthing with a booked cesarean?

Hypnobirthing is suitable for for all expectant parents, including those expecting more than one baby, those who have already had a baby and high risk mothers to be. If you’re having a booked cesarean, or thinking about having a booked cesarean, you can use Hypnobirthing to help you keep calm when the spinal anaesthetic is going in or when you are in theatre. Keeping calm is still really important in a cesarean too. Having high levels of oxytocin (which is promoted with hypnobirthing) is going to help you bond with your baby, feel calm when you meet your baby, report your birth as a positive experience and also help with breastfeeding if that’s your chosen feeding method.

Should I do hypnobirthing if I’m consultant led care?

Yes, hypnobirthing is suitable for for all expectant parents, including those expecting more than one baby, those who have gestational diabetes, IVF and those who have more consultant led input in their pregnancy. Hypnobirthing will help keep calm during your pregnancy. It will benefit you with any choices that you need to make such as with an induction. Hypnboirthing is about feeling calm and in control of your birth. It can be applied to all birth situations.

See here for What is Hypnobirthing?



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