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How to look after your mental health during pregnancy

Pregnancy can be beautiful, but it can also feel hard. There are so many changes going on during your pregnancy that it is no wonder that you may feel overwhelmed. Looking after your mental health dur

Baby Class 3 at The Hub

This would be where details would go about the baby class number 3 How to book this class? Next available dates… Take me back to The Bump to Baby Hub.

Baby Class #2 at The Hub

This would be where details would go about the baby class. How to book this class? Next available dates… Take me back to The Bump to Baby Hub.

Baby Class #1 at The Hub

This would be where details would go about the baby class. How to book this class? Next available dates… Take me back to The Bump to Baby Hub

Should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter Online Hypnobirthing?

If you’ve stumbled upon our page, or maybe you’ve been lurking for a while… You may be wondering – should I do The Bump to Baby Chapter Online Hypnobirthing? If you don’t

Lorna’s Birth Story: Third Baby

Third time mum Lorna welcomed her third baby into the world after doing The Birth Chapter. Lorna was initially nervous of birth as had not felt she was in control in her previous two labours. Lorna e

C-section Birth Story: Kayleigh

First time mum Kayleigh went into spontaneous labour after eating a spicy curry. Once established labour hit, her contractions slowed. She opted to have the hormone drip and an epidural. Kayleigh the

How to get pregnant: a 101 to conceive quickly

Hey there future mamas and papas! Wondering how to get pregnant? Many of us spend a lot of our life trying not to fall pregnant, and then when the time comes that we are ready for a baby – falli

Emergency Caesarean Positive Birth Story: Alana

Alana’s labour started early in the morning. She laboured until she was fully dilated, but then her baby was having dips in his heart rate when she was pushing. He was also presenting back to back.

Anna’s birth after doing the hypnobirthing course

Anna’s labour started when her waters broke at 40 weeks pregnant. Anna did The Bump to Baby Chapter’s online antenatal and hypnobirthing course and credits the course for preparing her for

Getting back into exercise after having a baby: Where do I begin?

Getting back into exercise after having a baby? Where do I begin? This is a guest article from Tamsin from Empower Fit. You’re probably already aware of the benefits of exercise and why getting

Breathing Baby Out; Hannah’s Story

Hannah had a water birth to give birth to her first baby. Hannah was surprised she didn’t overly need gas&air for her birth and she describes really using her breathing techniques and “