The Bump Chapter

  • Baby Names for your December Baby

    The month of December is a great month to be expecting a baby. If you are on the fence, read this blog I wrote called Is December the best time to have a baby?  Spoiler alert: I think it is an amazin

    Why is Christmas Day the rarest day to give birth?

    So, who’s expecting their own little elf this December? Did you know that Christmas Day is statistically the rarest day to give birth? Let me tell you why… My last baby was due January 25th bu

    2 weeks over due. Should I have an induction?

    Hey Beth, I am coming up to 2 weeks over due. Should I have an induction?  (more…)

    Clary Sage Oil for Labour

    Has anyone recommended Clary Sage Oil for Labour to you? If you are full-term, you may be very ready for baby to make their appearance. Clary Sage Oil is an age-old recommendation for inducing labour

    What happens if I can’t have a water birth?

    You’ve always dreamed of a water birth. You’ve read about the benefits, maybe you’ve watched some zen AF water births and that’s what you want. But, what happens if you are adv

    Making Informed Birth Choices: EBRAN

    Using EBRAN to make informed birth choices (works in pregnancy and postnatally too!) is an absolute game changer. Sometimes birth throws us curve balls. Things that weren’t on our birth plan or
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